The RISK research center analyses the interactions between risk, infrastructure, security and conflict. In research practice, four fields of research have crystallized that form the key areas of our research.
The RISK research center analyses the interactions between risk, infrastructure, security and conflict. In research practice, four fields of research have crystallized that form the key areas of our research.
- How are decisions made in a state of uncertainty? - The process of establishing certainty - Disasters and decision-making in a state of uncertainty - The logic of excluding alternative decisions
- Global impacts of transnational and international conflicts - Substantial contributions by states and by international, supranational and transnational organizations to conflict resolution - Humanitarian aid - Military operations - CIMIC missions
- Restriction of individual and collective freedom through the establishment of security - Complex interrelations between security and freedom - Security as a state free from unacceptable risks and impairments - Freedom as a space for autonomous action - Concept of human security at international level
- Threats to physical infrastructure - Natural disasters, climate change - Terrorism - Vandalism - Organized crime - Maritime accidents (collisions, leaks, disruptions) - Need for new structures and systems - Public acceptance of new structures and systems
The complexity and diversity of our research is reflected in the opinions of our researchers.