Anyone who would like to become a member of FZ RISK can submit an informal application to the board of the research center.
To do so, send an e-mail to
The board decides about the admission.
The exact criteria can be found in § 3 of the rules of procedure of the FZ RISK.
The rights and duties of the members are described in § 4 of our GO.
Members are divided into three categories according to their status:
Ordinary members:
Professors working at UniBw M, junior professors, habilitated and post-doctoral researchers, as well as excellent emeritae and excellent emeriti and retired professors working in the relevant RISK subject areas can become full members of FZ RISK.
Junior members:
All scientific staff members and student and research assistants of full or associate members who work on RISK issues and support the research and educational goals of FZ RISK can become junior members of FZ RISK.
Associate members:
Scientists working at other universities or research institutions as well as experts from politics, administration, economy and industry, who deal with RISK issues and support the research and education goals of FZ RISK, can be invited for associate membership in FZ RISK.