8 research projects on disaster research (Kretzschmar, Münch, Goderbauer-Marchner, Disse, Kulisch, Latzel, Englberger, Sackmann, Gebbeken), BBK, 2014-2017
RIKOV: Risk management in the event of terrorist threats to passenger rail transportation, BMBF, joint project, 5 partners, 2012-2015, Coordinator Stefan Pickl
FloodEvac: Vulnerability of Transport Infrastructures - warning and evacuation during floods, BMBF, Indo-German Joint Project, 7 Partners, 2015 - 2017, Coordinator Norbert Gebbeken
NaCoSi: Sustainability controlling in urban water resource management - BMBF, 2013-2016, Günthert, Krause
NoWa Emergency Water Supply - BBK, 2015-2016, Krause
SuBi: Reduction of corrosion in drainage systems, BMBF; 2015 - 2017; Günthert, Krause
UGABE: Structural civil protection - investigation of buildings and public places in and below the KRITIS sectors under highly dynamic loads due to explosions with testing of the superior and installed safety measures on different building types, BBK, 2015-2017, Gebbeken
MOUT - Military Operations in Urban Terrain, masonry constructions under blast and impact, IABG, 2015-2017, Gebbeken
Exploration and evaluation of bridges, BMVg (BAAINBw), 2000 - 2017, Gebbeken, Keuser, Mangerig
RIKO: Risk communication and citizen participation in structural civil protection, BBK, 2015-2017, Münch
KeK: Conception of a communication strategy for the implementation of BBK recommendations in the field of "preparedness for extreme events" regarding structural civil defense, BBK, 2015-2017, Sackmann
Individualized risk communication: audio-visual presentation of natural risks and their user acceptance, BBK, here: production of 20 video clips, reception analysis, 2013-2015, Kretzschmar, Germany
AiF: SCPerform - increase in security of supply through new contractual constructs as part of risk management, Arbeitsgemeinschaft industrieller Forschungsvereinigungen "Otto von Guericke" e.V. (Working Group of Industrial Research Associations "Otto von Guericke"), 2014-2016, Eßig, Germany
Use of fibre concrete in operations, BMVg (WTD52), 2015-2016, Keuser
Increasing Resilience in Surveillance Societies, EU joint project, 16 partners, 2012-2015, Bonß
Urban Flash Floods Study - Backgrounds - Risks - Precautionary Measures. Contracting body: Federal Association of Building Materials Retailers (BDD) May 2016, Günthert