Herzlich willkommen

Die Forschungsgruppe Network Security von Prof. Gabi Dreo beschäftigt sich mit Grundlagen- und anwendungsorientierter Forschung im Bereich von Kommunikationssystemen und Netzsicherheit. Forschungsgebiete sind unter anderem Detektion und Mitigation von Cyberangriffen, insbesondere sog. Advanced Persistent Threats, Entwicklung neuartiger Cyberabwehransätze im Umfeld netzbasierter Moving Target Defence, Einsatz von ML-basierten Ansätzen in der Analyse von Sicherheitsevents, 5G und IoT, Lagebildentwicklung und Social Analytics, Software Defined Networks und Quantenkommunikation.


Neuigkeiten vom Lehrstuhl.

Winning the Best Paper Award at 2024 IFIP/IEEE NOMS Conference

Exciting NOMS 2024, excellently organized by Prof. James Won-Ki Hong as General Chair, with insightful discussions about challenges of managing networks and services in the light of generative AI, virtualization, digital twins, zero-trust architectures, and increasing demands for security, resilience, quality of service, energy-efficiency to name a few. The complexity of management is growing, which requires a rethinking of existing approaches.

Besides excellent discussions with research colleagues, vendors, and telcos, winning the Best Paper Award of NOMS2024 was also amazing. Congratulations to Dr. Nils Rodday for this achievement! We, Aiko Pras, Roland van Rijswijk, and myself, could not be prouder. Our youngsters, Tobias Fritz and Robin Buchta, also presented their research work.

Promoting Three PhD Students at the Same Time

Pythagoras already postulated that the number 3 was perfect, the number of harmony, wisdom, and understanding. Sometimes, it happens that 3 Ph.D. students get promoted almost simultaneously. In the last two weeks, Julius Hermelink, Klement Streit, and Nils Rodday have finished their PhD journey and finally got their PhD hats. Nils even got a joint PhD degree from the University of the Bundeswehr Munich and the University of Twente and had the pleasure of having nine examiners. A special thanks to the colleagues from the University of Twente attending the Ph.D. defence in person and online. The party afterward was also unique and lovely. As a supervisor ("Doktormutter"), I could not be prouder of Julius, Klement, and Nils