CODE-Colloquium: Software and Harmware: when chip vendors pull the rug from under our feet

30. 10. 2019 | 17.00 Uhr - 18.00 Uhr

 Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, 

wir uns, Sie zum nächsten CODE Colloquium am kommenden Mittwoch einladen zu dürfen.
Wann: 30.10.2019, 18:00 Uhr c.t. (Vortrag 45 Min. mit Q+A)
Wo: Forschungsinstitut CODE, Carl-Wery-Straße 18., 81739 München
Anmeldung bis 27.10.2019 an
Gern können Sie die Einladung auch an interessierte Kolleginnen und Kollegen weiterleiten. 

Diesmal dürfen wir folgenden Redner bei uns begrüßen: 
Professor Herbert Bos, Freie Universität Amsterdam
 "Software and Harmware: when chip vendors pull the rug from under our feet"​
Hardware is supposed to be the bedrock on which existing security solutions rest. In reality, recent years have shown that it is a vulnerability-infested swamp in which modern defenses slowly sink as a result of a barrage of software-based attacks. The vulnerabilities range from software-controlled hardware glitches (such as Rowhammer) to exploitable hardware side channels. In this presentation, I will discuss some of the recent work in VUSec in this arena. As a result of the untrustworthiness of hardware, much of the work on addressing security problems by fixing software bugs and misconfigurations, or formally verifying software to guarantee the absence of bugs may no longer be sufficient.

Herbert Bos is full professor at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam in the Netherlands in the VUSec research group. He obtained his Ph.D. from Cambridge University Computer Laboratory (UK). Coming from a systems background, he drifted into security a few years ago and never left. He is very proud of his (former) students and VUSec members, five of whom have won the Roger Needham Ph.D. Award for best Ph.D. thesis in systems in Europe and one the Dennis M. Richie Doctoral Dissertation Award for best Ph.D. thesis in security. In addition, VUSec has won three of the four Pwnie Awards awarded to researchers in the Netherlands.
Der Einlass erfolgt ab 17:30 Uhr über den Haupteingang des FI CODE, Carl-Wery-Straße 18., 81739 München 
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