Workshop on "High Performance Computing" in the Bundeswehr
9 März 2023
On March 8, 2023, the kick-off workshop "HPC in the Bundeswehr" took place at the University of the Bundeswehr Munich. Embedded in the dtec.bw-funded project "hpc.bw: Competence Platform for Software Efficiency and High Performance Computing", the workshop aimed to bring representatives of the two universities of the Bundeswehr as well as various departments of the Bundeswehr into conversation with each other and to offer an exchange forum on the possibilities and needs for high performance computing (HPC) in the Bundeswehr.
All participants were welcomed by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alexander Popp (Institute for Mathematics and Computer-based Simulation, UniBw M) and Mr. Klaus Wangelin (Managing Director dtec.bw). First, Mr. Wangelin gave an overview of the research center dtec.bw, its embedding in the research landscape of the two universities of the Bundeswehr as well as the networking with research and application partners within and outside the Bundeswehr, before the project leader Prof. Dr. Philipp Neumann (Chair of High Performance Computing, HSU/UniBw H) presented the project hpc.bw as well as dtec.bw's own supercomputer HSUper.
With a short presentation of the HPC-relevant research activities at the Institute of Mathematics and Computer-based Simulation as well as at the Data Science & Computing Lab of UniBw M, the main organizer Dr.-Ing. Matthias Mayr led over into the introduction and needs articulation of all workshop participants. This gave all participants a detailed insight into the activities and demands around HPC in the different services of the Bundeswehr.
After a joint lunch, all participants intensively exchanged ideas on networking and cooperation opportunities in order to promote exchange and scientific cooperation in the long term as well. Finally, practical questions regarding access and use of HSUper were discussed.
Picture: © UniBw M