EuroTUG 2022 at UniBw M
10 October 2022
This year's European Trilinos User Group (EuroTUG) meeting took place on September 12 - 14, 2022. After a pause of three years, the EuroTUG 2022 offered an interactive forum for Europe-based users and developers of the Trilinos project. The participation of 29 researchers from various European universities as well as Trilinos core developers from Sandia National Laboratories made this community workshop a complete success.
On the first day, the workshop started with a tutorial session, such that new Trilinos users could take their first steps in building and using the Trilinos software stack under the guidance of experienced Trilinos developers. These hands-on tutorial sessions attracted a number of researches from research groups across Europe and have been described as "insightful and inspiring" by many of the participants. The second and third day offered five user presentations, where Trilinos users reported on their integration of Trilinos in application codes and shared their experience with Trilinos in day-to-day research. The program was complemented by a five developer talks, where Trilinos core developers from Sandia National Laboratories told the community about recent achievements, new features and future developments in the different product areas of Trilinos. Each day also included roundtable discussions among all participants to exchange their view on topics such as
- Lifecycle model in Trilinos and application codes: how to organize refactoring and new versions?
- Containerization & virtualization: which approach is best for which use case / workload? How to setup Trilinos quickly on a new machine?
- How to structure collaboration across Europe and with Sandia National Laboratories?
- Trends in using GPUs and other high concurrency nodes in the European community
As the highlight of EuroTUG 2022, Mike Heroux (Director of Software Technology, US DOE Exascale Computing Project) delivered a keynote lecture entitled "Leadership Scientific Software Trends from 2000 – 2040 through the Lens of the Trilinos Project", where he shared his view and vision for scientific computing software ecosystems for the next decades.
EuroTUG 2022 has been organized under the auspices of the Center for Digitization and Technology Research of the Bundeswehr (dtec.bw) and has been embedded into the project “hpc.bw – Competence Platform for High Performance Computing” of dtec.bw. The workshop has been organized by Dr. Matthias Mayr (IMCS@UniBw M) and Dr. Alexander Heinlein (TU Delft).
IMCS contributed to EuroTUG 2022 through
- organization of the event by Dr. Matthias Mayr
- the user talk "Physics based block preconditioning with sparse approximate inverses in MueLu: An application to beam/solid interaction" by Max Firmbach
Although this year's EuroTUG has just finished, we're already looking forward next year, where the meeting will be held at TU Delft.