Dr Max Winkler visits the IMCS
8 Dezember 2023
Dr Max Winkler from TU Chemnitz was a guest at the IMCS duing this week at the invitation of his doctoral supervisor Professor Thomas Apel. He completed his doctorate at the IMCS between 2011 and 2015 and then worked as a postdoc. Since then, there has been a scientific collaboration with Professor Apel's group, which has already led to several joint publications, especially in the field of numerical analysis of Neumann boundary value problems in non-smooth domains. Professor Alexander Popp's DLR working group around its group leader Dr Max von Danwitz, and his former doctoral colleague Dr Johannes Pfefferer, who is now a lecturer at the UniBw, also used the visit for an intensive scientific exchange.
The highlight of the visit was Max Winkler's exciting lecture on Thursday on the topic of "Agent-based optimisation of pedestrian dynamics via local attraction" as part of the research colloquium Applied Mathematics.
We wish Max Winkler a safe journey home and look forward to his next visit!