Vorträge und Veröffentlichungen

Der Professur für Softwarewerkzeuge und Methoden für integrierte Anwendungen



Peter Hillmann
Lean CIO and IT Leader Summit, 2024/07, Munich Riem/ Germany
Enterprise Architecture Governance: EA Center of Excellence

Peter Hillmann, Mario Kesseler, Goran Mihelcic, Diana Schnell, Andreas Karcher
International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS), 2024/04, Angers, Frankreich
Enterprise Architecture Governance: EA Center of Excellence


Lovis Zenz, Erik Heiland, Peter Hillmann, Andreas Karcher
International Conference on Advanced Enterprise Information System (AEIS), 12/2023, London/UK
Aligning Models with Their Realization through Model-based Systems Engineering

Peter Hillmann
NATO iO360 Workshop – Interoperability, 2023/10, Norfolk, USA
Interoperability expert with firsthand experience in Digital Transformation, FMN, Multi Domain Operations, and/or NATO's Digital Backbone

Habtom Gidey, Peter Hillmann, Andreas Karcher
ACAIN 2023 - Advanced Course & Symposium on Artificial Intellegence & Neuroscience, 2023/09, Grasmere/ UK
Bots and Cognition: Architectural Perspectives on User-like Bots

Erik Heiland, Peter Hillmann, Andreas Karcher
BIR 2023 - Business Informatics Research, 2023/09, Ascoli Piceno/ Italy
Constraint based modeling according to reference design

Peter Hillmann, Andreas Karcher
NATO SAS-174, 2023/06, Harstad/Norwegen
Are the major weapon platforms obsolete? Session 8: The case against major weapon platforms –redundancy

Habtom Gidey, Peter Hillmann, Andreas Karcher
The 16th Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) Conference, 2023/06, Stockholm/Schweden
Towards Cognitive Software Bots: Architectural Research Challenges


Mario Kesseler, Andreas Karcher
Eine kollaborative Methode zur modellbasierten Servitisierung und Digitalisierung von Organisationen - Bollhöfer, E., Weimann, S. (eds) Digitalisierung von industriellen Dienstleistungen. FOM-Edition. Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden

Bao Nguyen, Maude Amyot-Bourgeois and Lynne Serre, Andrew Gill, Alessio Vaghi, Matthias Sommer, Vadym Slyusar, Bernt Åkesson, Esa Lappi, Stephan Seichter, Chris Rolfs, Peter Hillmann
Modelling a Multi-Faction Conflict in Multi-Domain Operations

Erik Heiland und Peter Hillmann
European Simulation and Modelling Conference - EMS Conference, 2022
(B)LOCKBOX - Secure Software Architecture with Blockchain Verification

Peter Hillmann, Diana Schnell, Harald Hagel und Andreas Karcher
Conference on Software Engineering and Applications - SEAPP, Zürich 11/2022
Enterprise Model Library for Business-IT-Alignment

Dominik Ascher, Erik Heiland, Diana Schnell, Peter Hillmann und Andreas Karcher
Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS), 2022
A Methodology for Holistic Reference Modeling on the Example of Smart Robots

Habtom Kahsay Gidey, Mario Kesseler, Patrick Stangl, Peter Hillmann und Andreas Karcher
A Document-based Knowledge Discovery with Microservices Architecture - ISPR 2022


Dominik Ascher, Frank Ehlers
Seamless Integration of ATR Services into Situation-Adaptive Distributed Systems via Reference Modeling

Peter Hillmann, Erik Heiland, Andreas Karcher
Automated Enterprise Architecture Model Mining - NISecurity, August 2021

Daniela Pöhn, Peter Hillmann
Reference Service Model for Federated Identity Management - EMMSAD, Juni 2021

Erik Heiland, Peter Hillmann, Andreas Karcher
Enterprise Architecture Model Transformation Engine
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems - Volume 1, ICORES 2021


Peter Hillmann, Marcus Knüpfer, Erik Heiland, and Andreas Karcher
Selective Deletion in a Blockchain Conference on Distributed Computing Systems - Workshop BlockAPP 12/2020

Peter Hillmann, Marcus Knüpfer, Tore Bierwirth, Lars Stiemert, Matthias Schopp, Sebastian Seeber, Daniela Pöhn
Cyber Taxi: A Taxonomy of Interactive Cyber Training and Education Systems
2nd Model-driven Simulation and Training Environments for Cybersecurity (MSTEC), 14-18 September, 2020 — Guildford, United Kingdom


Peter Hillmann, Marcus Knüpfer, Tobias Guggemos, Klement Streit
CAKE: An Efficient Group Key Management for Dynamic Groups
INFOCOMP Journal of Computer science 12/2019

Habtom Kahsay Gidey, Alexander Collins and Diego Marmsoler
Modeling and Verifying Dynamic Architectures with FACTum Studio
FACS 2019: 16th International Conference on Formal Aspects of Component Software, 23-25 October 2019, Amsterdam

Andreas Karcher
Architecture-based Reference Models for Target Recognition and Localisation Services
Fach-AG Architekturen (eingeladener Vortrag); Sanitätsakademie der Bundeswehr München, 25. Juni 2019

Martin Gottlieb-Schaflechner, Matthias Gottlieb, Harald Hagel
Towards a Scenario-Based Approach for an Electronic Driving Management System Architecture: A Case Study
Proceedings of the ForenSecure: Cybersecurity and Forensics Conference, Chicago (Illinois) 2019.

Peter Hillmann, Matthias Schopp, Sebastian Seeber, Lars Stiemert - Team localos
PoCyMa - Ein Ansatz für rekursive KI-basierte Entscheidungsunterstützung bei IT Vorfällen
Innovationstagung Cyber und Informationstechnology - Auszeichnung

Matthias Schopp, Peter Hillmann
Agile Approach for IT Forensics Management
Journal of Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (JITST)

Erik Heiland; Andreas Karcher
Language Independent Enterprise Model Mapping and Integration
Konferenz: International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS)

Sandro Passarelli, Cem Gündogan, Lars Stiemert, Matthias Schopp and Peter Hillmann
NERD: Neural Network for Edict of Risky Data Streams
Konferenz: International Conference on Cyber-enabled distributed computing and knowledge discovery (CyberC)


Tobias Guggemos, Klement Streit, Marcus Knüpfer, Nils gentschen Felde, Peter Hillmann
No Cookies, just CAKE: CRT based Key Hierarchy for Efficient Key Management in Dynamic Groups
Konferenz: International Conference for Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (ICITST)

Vortrag, Argos Forum 2017, Literaturhaus München, 19.06.2017

Ergonomie neu denken: Augmented Reality in den Außendienstprozessen.
Vortrag, Argos Forum 2017, Literaturhaus München, 19.06.2017


Harald Hagel; Carlos Garcia Sanchez; Tristan Possmann,
Ergonomie neu denken: Augmented Reality in den Außendienstprozessen. Vortrag, Argos Forum 2017, Literaturhaus München, 19.06.2017

Mario Kesseler, Andreas Karcher:
Geschäftsmodelle im Wandel. In: SEM|RADAR - Zeitschrift für Systemdenken und Entscheidungsfindung im Management, 16.Jg. 1/2017


Goumas, Vassilios; Karcher, Andreas:
Resource Management in human-services organizations on the basis of client-focused case models, GSCIT 2016, Tunesien, 2016

Mario Kesseler, Andreas Karcher, Alexander Ploghaus:
Von der Geschäftsmodellidee zur Umsetzung. In: zfo - Zeitschrift für Führung und Organisation, 03/2016, Schäffer-Poeschel Verlag

Goumas, Vassilios; Karcher, Andreas; Tu, Thy Thy; Possmann, Tristan (2016):
Modellieren statt dokumentieren. In: Sozialwirtschaft 26 (3), S. 36–37. DOI: 10.5771/1613-0707-2016-3-36

Zhang Qi.:
Modellbasiertes Rahmenwerk zur Softwarewartung von multi-funktionalen Display-Systemen;
Dissertation, Universität der Bundeswehr München, 2016