Click here to register for the CODE 2020
Call for Participation - Science Track
The annual conference CODE 2020, features a scientific workshop on (early stage) Ph.D. research proposals in the area of IT security. Ph.D. research proposals are short papers describing the current state of the student’s research. Proposals from an early stage of the thesis are explicitly welcome and desired. The topic must be related to IT security research.
A proposal needs to include a clear description of the research problem and the chosen approach, argue why the problem is hard and the approach novel, and it has to outline the results achieved to date. Specific, low-level technical details are to be avoided. Papers should have no more than two (in exceptional cases three) authors: the student and one or two advisors. Each submission must be written in English and must comprise at least 4 and no more than 6 pages, including all references and figures/tables, in the LNCS paper format.
Authors will have the opportunity to attend the entire CODE 2020 conference, which is an invitation only event.
Submission Guidelines
Authors are invited to submit their manuscripts via email to The manuscript must follow the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) guidelines ( The submission should be original work by the authors, not be published or currently submitted for publication elsewhere.
Important Dates