Aline Werro M.A.

Center for Intelligence and Security Studies (CISS)
Building 33/100, Room 1113
+49 89 6004-5882

Aline Werro M.A.

Aline Werro studied International Affairs and Governance at the University of St. Gallen (HSG), Switzerland. After her studies, she worked in the Swiss Federal Administration and dealt with various security and policy issues. Subsequently, she worked at the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF) in the area of Security Sector Governance / Reform. Since March 2019, Aline Werro has been working as a researcher at CISS at the University of the Bundeswehr in Munich.


As part of her doctorate, Aline Werro holds a special interest in wargaming. She analyses wargaming as a method to support the intelligence cycle and strategy development. She also focuses on role-playing and how decision-making in groups can support forecasting skills.


Aline Werro taught in the module "Dealing with Uncertainty" within the MISS program and "Game Theory" at the Universität der Bundeswehr München.


See also: 

Research Interests and Expertise

Wargaming & Business Wargaming

Competitive & Business Intelligence

Security Policy

Game Theory