Marcel Schmeer M.A.

Center for Intelligence and Security Studies (CISS)
Gebäude 33/100, Zimmer 1113
+49 89 6004-5881

Marcel Schmeer M.A.

Marcel Schmeer is Researcher at the Center for Intelligence and Security Studies (CISS) at Universität der Bundeswehr München. As a historian of 20th century Germany, his work primarily focusses on security history in its varying configurations and multifaceted dimensions, including the history of the German police and intelligence services. He received a master’s degree in history and political science from Ruhr-Universität Bochum and spent a semester abroad at Uniwersytet Jagielloński in Krakow. His PhD project focusses on the conflictive relationship between police and society and the variable, often contradictory forms of staging the state monopoly on violence in Cold War West Berlin.

Marcel Schmeer has held fellowships at the Collaborative Research Centre “Dynamics of Security. Types of Securitization from a Historical Perspective” at Philipps-Universität Marburg and Justus-Liebig Universität Gießen (2020), and the Center for European and Mediterranean Studies at New York University (2019). Prior to that, he has been a Research Associate at the faculty of history at Ruhr-Universität Bochum (2016-18). For his PhD project he has been granted a scholarship by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation (2017-2020).

Currently, Marcel Schmeer teaches “Intelligence History” in the MISS study program and is responsible for the coordination of student and research assistants.

Research Interests and Expertise

German Contemporary History after 1945

History of the German Police

Intelligence History

History of (Modern) Organizations | Organizational History

Most relevant publications

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Im Kreuzfeuer der Kritik. Umstrittene Organisationen im 20. Jahrhundert, Frankfurt am Main, New York: Campus, 2020 (herausgegeben mit Markus Böick).




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Soziologen, Straßenkämpfer, Psychobullen. Die West-Berliner Polizei als umstrittene Organisation, in: Marcus Böick/Marcel Schmeer (Hg.): Im Kreuzfeuer der Kritik. Umstrittene Organisationen im 20. Jahrhundert, Frankfurt/New York 2020, S. 285-321.



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Aus dem toten Winkel ins "Kreuzfeuer der Kritik"? Organisationen in der zeithistorischen Theorie und Praxis, in: Marcus Böick/Marcel Schmeer (Hg.): Im Kreuzfeuer der Kritik. Umstrittene Organisationen im 20. Jahrhundert, Frankfurt/New York 2020, S. 9-65 (mit Marcus Böick).



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The 'Traube Affair': Transparency as a Legitimation and Action Strategy between Security, Surveillance and Privacy, in: Stefan Berger/Dimitrij Owetschkin (Hg.): Contested Transparencies, Social Movements and the Public Sphere. Multi-Disciplinary Perspectives. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, 2019, S. 173-196 (mit Christopher Kirchberg).



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