Espionage & Sabotage, Hybrid Threats, and Cybersecurity
16 January 2025
In the past couple of months, Verena Jackson has been featured in various media outlets discussing current developments in cybersecurity, Russian sabotage and espionage, as well as the state of German intelligence services. Her analyses and commentary have appeared in major German newspapers such as the Süddeutsche Zeitung, Abendzeitung, Main Echo, the journal Europäische Sicherheit & Technik, and a podcast by the Behörden Spiegel. She has provided in-depth insights into the legal and security policy challenges posed by the growing threat of cyberattacks and hybrid threat scenarios.
A key focus of her contributions has been on analyzing Germany's security landscape, including the authorities and structural challenges faced by its intelligence services.
Picture: © iStockphoto | peshkov