10 years after Edward Snowden's publications: Digital Workshop on Intelligence Research in Germany
12 September 2023
Edward Snowden's publications in 2013 catapulted intelligence agencies and their activities into the public eye. They have also prompted political science researchers to turn more attention to this topic. The digital workshop "10 years after Snowden: How has political science research on intelligence services developed in Germany?", which will take place on September 18, 2023 (9 am - 1 pm), aims to present current research projects in this growing field of research on intelligence services, discuss current challenges, and venture an initial stocktaking of what has been achieved and blind spots that still exist.
The workshop, organized by Prof. Dr. Susanne Fischer (Hochschule des Bundes Berlin) and PD Dr. Eva Herschinger (CISS/Universität der Bundeswehr München), addresses all scholars who deal with actors of the German security architecture, especially intelligence services, from a theoretical or empirical perspective. It is deliberately designed to be open to all researchers and their interests in the field of political science intelligence research. Please note that the workshop will be held in German.
The workshop is a cooperation of the Hochschule des Bundes Berlin, the MISS, the Center for Intelligence and Security Studies at the Universität der Bundeswehr and the thematic group "Critical Security Studies" of the German Political Science Association. The program can be viewed here.
Please register with your name, mail address, and research institution by Thursday, September 14, 2023 at the latest with the subject "Registration - Snowden" to: kritischesicherheitsstudien@dvpw.de.
The workshop is open to scholars* from all disciplines and is free of charge. The Zoom conference link will be emailed to all participants at the end of the week prior to the workshop.
Picture: iStockphoto | ismagilov