CPM Global Workshop
9 December 2024
Prof. Bassam Alrifaee and his team at the Institute of Autonomous Vehicles (Department of Aerospace Engineering) held the first CPM Global Workshop at the end of October – and it was a complete success!
Attendees from all around the world came together at the University of the Bundeswehr Munich to discuss and work on the Cyber-Physical Mobility (CPM) Lab. The CPM Lab is a pioneering small-scale testbed for Networked and Autonomous Vehicles. All of the CPM Lab’s resources are fully open-source, facilitating the exact kind of collaboration CPM Global is all about.
Whether it was coding, working on hardware, or exchanging ideas to make the Cyber-Physical Mobility Lab https://bassamlab.github.io/cpm/ even more accessible – everyone took something valuable back home. Many participants are even working on replicating the CPM Lab at their home universities as a direct result.
The next international workshop is already being planned and all partners are looking forward to continuing the collaboration: the teams from German University in Cairo (Egypt), Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (India), Nelson Mandela University (South Africa), RWTH Aachen University (Germany) and the University of the Bundeswehr Munich. See you next time!