Gebäude 36, Zimmer 2154 | |
+49 89 6004 4270 | |
+49 89 6004 4238 | |
elisabeth.mueller@unibw.de |
Univ.-Prof.'in Dr. rer. pol. Elisabeth Müller
Elisabeth F. Mueller is Professor of Business Administration, in particular Strategic Management, at the University of the Bundeswehr Munich.
Her research focuses on questions at the interface of strategic management and entrepreneurship. She is particularly interested in modern organizational forms such as innovation networks and the associated cooperation strategies of firms, as well as the special role of family firms in overcoming major societal and economic challenges. Her research has been published in leading international journals such as Academy of Management Learning & Education, British Journal of Management, Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, Journal of Vocational Behavior and Small Business Economics.
She has held visiting research and teaching positions at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania (USA), Ca' Foscari University of Venice (Italy), Tilburg University (The Netherlands), Corvinus University (Hungary) and Turkish-German University (Turkey), among others.
Elisabeth F. Mueller has received numerous awards for her research, teaching and reviewing activities, including the Best Conference Paper Prize for Practical Implications from the Strategic Management Society and Teaching Excellence Awards from the University of the Bundeswehr Munich and the University of Passau.
She teaches a wide range of courses in strategic management at the bachelor, master and doctoral levels as well as in executive education programs.
Elisabeth F. Mueller studied International Cultural and Business Studies at the University of Passau and the Université Laval (Canada). She received her PhD in 2012 and her Habilitation and Venia Legendi in Business Administration in 2020 from the School of Business, Economics and Information Systems at the University of Passau.
You can find further information on publications on our reasearch website or on Researchgate and GoogleScholar.