Univ.-Prof.'in Dr. rer. pol. Elisabeth Müller

WOW 1.2 - Professur für Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre, insbesondere Strategisches Management
Gebäude 36, Zimmer 2154
+49 89 6004 4270
+49 89 6004 4238

Univ.-Prof.'in Dr. rer. pol. Elisabeth Müller



Academic Career

Since 04/2021

Full Professor of Strategic Management
Bundeswehr University Munich


Deputy Professor of Strategic Management
Bundeswehr University Munich


Habilitation and Venia Legendi (subject: Business Administration)
University of Passau

2012-2020 Assistant Professor
Chair of International Management | Chair of Governance
University of Passau

Doctorate (Dr. rer. pol.)
University of Passau


Doctoral student and research assistant
Chair of International Management
University of Passau


Diploma program in International Cultural and Business Studies
University of Passau and Université Laval (Canada)


Teaching and Research Stays Abroad

Since 2016

Visiting Lecturer
Turkish-German University (Turkey)


Visiting Lecturer
Corvinus University Budapest (Hungary)


Visiting Scholar
Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania (USA)


Visiting Lecturer
State University of Management (Russian Federation)



You can find further information on publications on our reasearch website or on Researchgate and GoogleScholar.


Awards and Honors


Teaching Excellence Award
Awarded by the Student Advisory Council of the Bundeswehr University Munich in recognition of excellent teaching and outstanding dedication to students


Teaching Excellence Award
Awarded by the University Passau in recognition of excellent teaching


Outstanding Reviewer Award
Sponsored by the Strategic Management Division, Academy of Management

2015                               Recognition of the dedication to promoting global education, understanding and scholarly exchange
Awarded by the Western Michigan University (USA)
2014                               Best Conference Paper Prize for Practice Implications
Sponsored by the Strategic Management Society
2013                               Best-Dissertation-Award "Kulturpreis Bayern"
Sponsored by Bayernwerk AG
2012                               Best-Dissertation-Award "Helmut-Schmalen-Dissertationspreis"
Awarded by the University of Passau