Max, P., Stößel, M., Krummenauer, M., Niehuis, R.:
"Effectiveness of Active Flow Control Techniques in an Advanced S-Shaped Engine Intake".
GPPS-TC-2021-0102, Proceedings of the Global Power and Propulsion Society, ISSN-Nr: 2504-4400, Oct 18-20, 2021,
Xi’an, China
Gohl, I., Bitter, M., Kožulović, D., Sato, H., Niehuis, R.:
"Experimental investigation on the influence of the trailing edge shape in a film cooled transonic high pressure turbine cascade"
ISABE-2021-032, Proceedings of the XXV. International Symposium on Air Breathing Engines (ISABE), September 25-30, 2022, Ottawa, Canada 
Max, P., Stößel, M., Kožulović, D., Krummenauer, M., Niehuis, R.:
"Comparison of Active Flow Control Measures in an Advanced S-shaped Engine Intake by using a Turbo-Compressor"
ISABE-2021-141, Proceedings of the XXV. International Symposium on Air Breathing Engines (ISABE), September 25-30, 2022,
Ottawa, Canada
Jäger, P., Stößel, M., Krummenauer, M., Niehuis, R.:
"Studies on an Electric Hybrid Adaptive Cycle Engine"
ISABE-2022-219 Proceedings of the XXV. International Symposium on Air Breathing Engines (ISABE), September 25-30, 2022,
Ottawa, Canada
Frank, R.G., Seer, N., Wegner, H., Niehuis, R.:
"On the Loss Behaviour of a Split Blade VIGV Configuration at Varied Stagger Angle Combinations"
ISABE-2022-249 Proceedings of the XXV. International Symposium on Air Breathing Engines (ISABE), September 25-30, 2022, Ottawa, Canada
Schäfer, Y., Stößel, S., Kožulović, D., Niehuis, R.:
„Entwurf einer aktiven Verdichterstabilisierung durch diskrete Lufteinblasung am dem Turbofantriebwerk LARZAC 04“,
DGLR Kongress 2022, 27.-29.09.2022, Paper DLRK2022_570016
Dresden, Deutschland
Remiger, J., Hansen, O., Krummenauer, M., Stößel, S., Kožulović, D., Niehuis, R.:
„The Engine Mission Simulation System: Coupled Simulation of Aircraft and Engine in the Mission“,
DGLR Kongress 2022, 27.-29.09.2022, Paper DLRK2022_570018
Dresden, Deutschland
Schwagerus, N., Stößel, S., Krummenauer, M., Kožulović, D., Niehuis, R.:
„Numerical Investigation of a Coanda-based Fluidic Thrust Vectoring System for Subsonic Nozzles“,
DGLR Kongress 2022, 27.-29.09.2022, Paper DLRK2022_570053
Dresden, Deutschland
Grois, A., Max, P., Stößel, M., Niehuis, R.:
"Validation of a high-efficient URANS simulation of a full annulus compressor interacting with a highly bent intake duct".
GPPS-TC-2022-0105, Proceedings of the Global Power and Propulsion Society, ISSN-Nr: 2504-4400, Sep 18-20, 2022,
Chania, Greece
Frank, R.; Wacker, Ch.; Niehuis, R.:
"Loss Characterization of Advanced VIGV Configurations with Adjustable Blade Geometry"
J. Turbomach. 144(3), 031012, (March 2022) (8 Pages) Paper No: TURBO-21-1175
Chemnitz, S.; Niehuis, R.:
"Accurate Boundary Layer Measurements using Hot-Wire Anemomentry - Improvements and Error Analysis".
J. Energy Resour. Technol. Vol. 144, 010901, (January, 22) (10 pages) Paper No. jert-20-2110
Bitter, M.; Hilfer, M.; Schubert, T.; Klein, C.; Niehuis, R.:
"An Ultra-Fast TSP on a CNT Heating Layer for Unsteady Temperature and Heat Flux Measurements in Subsonic FLows"
Sensors 2022,22,657