Students (officers and officer cadets in the German armed forces) at the UniBW München must complete a full academic year (3 trimesters) of a compulsory language course. This can be in English, or providing the student has a sufficient level of English, French.

These courses are not counted towards academic achievements but serve solely the purpose to fulfill requirements for graduating officers to have appropriate language skills when continuing on to their next career steps in the German armed forces.

The conclusion of the language training is the four-part SLP exam in English (listening, speaking, reading, writing), each student must achieve an SLP score of 3332 as every officer should present a valid SLP score of 3332 at the end of the course.

If you are a member of a foreign military and would like to take English or French as a compulsory language course, please contact the Language Center at the beginning of the academic year (beginning of October). As the language center only offers English courses in this category to maintain/refresh the SLP 3332 or to acquire a higher score, previous English knowledge is necessary.