Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Michael Schmitt

Institute of Space Technology and Space Applications
University of the Bundeswehr Munich
Werner-Heisenberg-Weg 39
85579 Neubiberg, Germany
Tel: +49 89 6004-4426
E-Mail: michael.schmitt@unibw.de

Prof. Michael Schmitt is a member of the SPACE Research Center and holds the Professorship of Earth Observation at the Institute of Space Technology and Space Applications.

 The Professorship of Earth Observation of the Institute of Space Technology and Space Applications deals with the analysis of satellite data for the collection of geospatial information. With a focus on the development of innovative evaluation methods, it bridges the gap between mission and sensor design and socially relevant applications. Given the interdisciplinary nature of earth observation, we use expertise and techniques from a variety of fields of engineering and natural sciences, such as geodesy, computer science, electrical engineering or geography.

Specific research priorities include:

  • Satellite and aircraft-based earth observation
  • Image processing, signal processing and machine learning for information extraction
  • Radar and infrared remote sensing
  • Fusion of different earth observation data


Research at the professorship is embedded in an extensive regional and international network and often takes place in cooperation with non-university research institutions or private-sector enterprises. In the field of instruction, students are introduced to the general principles of remote sensing (Bachelor's degree) and receive diversified training in the different aspects of earth observation (Master's degree).


For more information, see the website of the Professorship of Earth Observation (in German) >


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