There are hardly any political issues today that are not also technological and/or scientific – just think of public debates about vaccines during the Covid pandemic, weapon systems in Russia’s war in Ukraine, and electric cars in the context of climate change. Traditionally, the social sciences have been rather ill-equipped to deal with such issues, for they have mostly focused on humans as exceptional actors, disregarding the agency of microbes, communication technologies, architecture and infrastructure and other nonhuman entities. The most notable exception has been an interdisciplinary field called Science and Technology Studies, or STS, which has recognised the analytical strength of treating ‘the political’ and ‘the technoscientific’ symmetrically. The aim this course is to introduce students to the predecessors of STS (Weber, Merton, Kuhn), its main variants (SSK, SCOT, ANT), and its most important contemporary developments. Assessment in the course is based on regular and active participation in the seminars, an in-class presentation and a final essay of 4-6000 words (due 1 April 2025).
Aktuelle Forschungsdebatten
Ethnographie ist eine qualitative Forschungsmethode in den Sozialwissenschaften. Sie wurde in der Anthropologie des späten 19. und frühen 20. Jahrhunderts als mehr oder weniger standardisierte Methode entwickelt, um „fremde Kulturen” zu untersuchen (meist Gemeinschaften in ehemaligen Kolonien). Seit ihrer Gründung hat sich die Methode stark gewandelt: In der zweiten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts entdecken Soziolog*innen zunehmen das erklärungsbedürftige „Fremde” auch im Herzen der modernen Gesellschaft selbst. Ziel dieses Seminars ist es, über eine Reihe von Übungen in die Praxis der soziologischen Ethnographie einzuführen. Im Zentrum steht dabei gemeinsame Feldarbeit auf dem Campus.
Power & Society
‘Power’ is one of the central concepts in the social sciences, and yet there is no single definition in use. The aim of this seminar series is to provide an overview of the most important understandings of power in sociology and political theory. It does so through a close engagement with the works of Karl Marx, Max Weber, Michel Foucault, Erving Goffman, Pierre Bourdieu, Judith Butler, Bruno Latour, Donna Haraway and Anna Tsing, as well as postcolonial theorists including Dipesh Chakrabarty, Franz Fanon and Gayatri Spivak.
The seminar series is part of Modul 1422 and as such coupled with the ‘Macht, Herrschaft, Gesellschaft’ seminar series on Wednesdays between 8:00 and 9:30. The successful completion of the module requires regular attendance and active participation in both seminars, an in-class presentation in the seminar on Wednesday, and a final paper (Seminararbeit) for the Monday seminar. Details of the latter will be announced in the first session.