Contact details
Dr. habil. Endre Dányi
Visiting Professor for the Sociology of Globalisation
Faculty of Social Sciences and Public Affairs, University of the Buncdeswehr Munich
Werner-Heisenberg-Weg 39, 85577 Neubiberg, Germany
Office: Building 33, Room 3153
Tel.: +49 89 6004 3922
I am Professor for the Sociology of Globalisation at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Public Affairs at the University of the Bundeswehr Munich. Before moving to Munich I studied sociology, media theory and political science in Budapest and London, completed my PhD in Lancaster and my Habilitation in Frankfurt am Main. I’m University Fellow at the Charles Darwin University in Darwin, Australia ( and co-founder and co-editor of a scholarled Open Access book publisher called Mattering Press (
My main interest lies in places and material practices associated with democratic politics.
Strongly inspired by Science and Technology Studies, my PhD was an ethnographic analysis of the Hungarian Parliament – both as an abstract institution and as a historically specific socio-technical apparatus.
As a postdoctoral researcher, I conducted a series of research projects focusing on situations where parliamentary politics breaks down or reaches its limits. More concretely, I looked a hunger strike of illegal immigrants in Brussels, a harm reduction programme in Lisbon, and a series of Indigenous initiatives in northern Australia to better understand modes of doing politics that operate between hope and despair. In my Habilitation, which I completed in 2023, I collectively refer to these modes as ‘melancholy democracy’.
In my current research project I examine what specific bodies of water could teach us about politics. More specifically, I focus on the Danube as a repository of imaginaries that challenge dominant conceptualisations of collective life.
For more information about the research projects and publications please visit my ResearchGate ( and ( sites.