Social BRIDGES: Do-re-mi DNA: the biological bases of music
In the upcoming socialBRIDGES e-conference on 19-20 January 2022 we are pleased to offer an interdisciplinary two day event on the biological bases of music consisting of 20 minute talks, 45 minute keynote talks, and a virtual poster room. To promote more crosstalk outside of the formal talks, there will be a virtual space for participants and guests to socially interact during coffee breaks, as we would do during real events.
The event will focus on two key themes.
Theme 1
Universal features of musical systems and behavior and measurable biological correlates
- neural networks
- Perception-action coupling
- Cross-cultural / cross-species comparisons
- Evolutionary perspective
Theme 2
Functions and uses of music, advantages and costs of music making
- Social bonding
- Learning / Prediction
- Creativity
Videos of both talks and posters will be made available after the conference.
The event activities will be live streamed on the day via YouTube. Depending on participant consent, videos of talks and posters will be made available after the conference on our Social BRIDGES YouTube channel.
The online event is hosted by the Universität der Bundeswehr München.
To get a taste of our previous Social BRIDGES events, click here.
Stay tuned for more information and programme updates!
Our communication rules
BRIDGES is committed to facilitating the exchange between established and early career researchers. Additionally, to counter a propensity to propagate at lightning speed the news we want to hear, we believe in clear, precise and accessible scientific communication to ensure that the results of our community’s output are communicated so as best to serve our public funders. To that end, a highlight of our e-conferences will be a competition, sponsored by Gorilla.

About SocialBRIDGES
SocialBRIDGES is a series of e-Conferences hosted by Universität der Bundeswehr München.
Social BRIDGES 5 "Do-re-mi DNA: the biological bases of music" is actively supported by the following individuals:
Organising committee
Prof. Merle Fairhurst, Universität der Bundeswehr München
Prof. Peter Keller, University of Western Sydney
Prof. Sonja Kotz, Maastricht University
Dr. Daniela Sammler, Max-Planck-Institut für empirische Ästhetik
Dr. Olga Lantukhova, Universität der Bundeswehr München
Supported by following institutions: