Building 36, Room 1244 | |
+49 89 6004 4245 | |
matthias.soppert@unibw.de |
Dr. rer. pol. Matthias Soppert
Curriculum Vitae
10.2023- 12.2023 |
Visiting Researcher at the SCALE-AI Chair in Data-Driven Supply Chains at Polytechnique Montréal |
04.2023- 05.2023 |
Visiting Researcher at the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management at University of Porto |
since 06.2022 |
Postdoc Researcher at the Chair of Business Analytics & Management Science at University of the Bundeswehr (UniBw) Munich |
07.2017- 06.2022 |
Research Assistant at the Chair of Business Analytics & Management Science at University of the Bundeswehr (UniBw) Munich PhD (Dr. rer. pol.) in Operations Research/ Management Science, |
12.2015- 05.2017 |
Assistant to the CEO at Körber Pharma GmbH |
10.2013- 06.2016 |
Technology Management studies at Northern Institute of Technology Management (NIT) Hamburg, Degree: M.A. |
02.2013- 11.2015 |
Theoretical Mechanical Engineering studies at Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH), Degree: M.Sc. |
04.2015- 10.2015 |
Research visit at University of California Berkeley, |
09.2012- 07.2013 |
Study abroad at Institut National des Sciences Appliquées (INSA) in Toulouse |
10.2009- 02.2013 |
Mechanical Engineering studies at Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH),
- Please visit my Google Scholar profile or the German site for a list publications and working papers
- 2024 - Transportation Science Meritorious Service Award
- 2024 - Research Award of the Freundeskreis der Universität der Bundeswehr München e.V.
- 2024 - Finalist Doctoral Dissertation Award of the Association of European Operational Research Societies (EURO)
- 2023 - Dissertation Award of the German Operations Research Society e.V. (GOR)
- 2023 - Research Award of the Initiative Wissenschaft und Automobilindustrie (IWA) e.V.
- 2022 - Best Dissertation Award of the INFORMS Transportation Science and Logistics Society (TSL)
- 2022 - Finalist Research Award Logistics of the Bundesvereinigung Logistik (BVL)
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