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Busse, Jan (2024): „Der Gazastreifen im Nahostkonflikt: Historische Dynamiken und politische Perspektiven für eine Friedensregelung“, Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte (APUZ 12/2024), 14-20.

Busse, Jan et al. (2024): "Contextualizing the Contextualizers: How the Area Studies Controversy is Different in Different Places", International Studies Review 26 (1).

Busse, Jan (2024): Der Nahostkonflikt: Geschichte, Positionen, Perspektiven (mit Muriel Asseburg) (C.H. Beck Wissen). 12. Auflage. München: C.H. Beck.

Busse, Jan (2023): "The Rebellious Game: The Power of Football in the Middle East and North Africa between the Global and the Local" The International Spectator (with René Wildangel), The International Spectator 58 (2), 75-91.

Busse, Jan (2022): "The Rebellious Game: A Political History of Football in the Middle East and North Africa" (auf Arabisch) (mit René Wildangel), Siyasat Arabiya 57 (10), 12-24.

Busse, Jan (2022) (Hg.): Das rebellische Spiel: Die Macht des Fußballs im Nahen Osten und die Katar-WM (mit René Wildangel). Bielefeld: Die Werkstatt.

Busse, Jan (2022): "Everyday life in the face of conflict: Sumud as a spatial quotidian practice in Palestine", Journal of International Relations and Development 25 (3), 583-607.

Busse, Jan (2022): "Die Verwandlung der Weltgesellschaft: Zur Bedeutung des Individuums in Dynamiken globaler politischer Ordnungsbildung", Zeitschrift für Politik 69 (1), 3-28.

Busse, Jan (ed.) (2021): MENA Political Science Research a Decade After the Arab Uprisings: Facing the Facts on Tremulous Grounds (with André Bank), Mediterranean Politics (Special Issue) 26 (5), 539-695. 

Busse, Jan (2021): "MENA Political Science Research a Decade After the Arab Uprisings: Facing the Facts on Tremulous Grounds" (with André Bank), Mediterranean Politics (Special Issue) 26 (5), 539-563 (open access).

Busse, Jan (ed.) (2021): The Globality of Governmentality: Governing an Entangled World. (The New International Relations Series). London: Routledge.

Busse, Jan (2021): "The Historical and Social Embeddedness of the Post-Ottoman Space in World Society", in: Paul J. Kohlenberg/Nadine Godehardt (eds.), The Multidimensionality of Regions in World Politics. London: Routledge, 75-93.

Busse, Jan (2020) [2018]: Deconstructing the Dynamics of World-Societal Order: The Power of Governmentality in Palestine. (The New International Relations Series). London: Routledge. (Paperback Edition)

"Jan Busse’s Deconstructing the Dynamics of World Societal Order offers a unique and innovative analysis of Palestine for scholars of International Relations (IR). (...)  [The book] requires attention from the discipline. It speaks to the various literatures, from post-structuralist IR to area studies. It advances the debates on how governmentality can be adopted to study political and social phenomena without abandoning a global perspective. Most importantly, the book provokes new ideas and ways of thinking about Palestine."

Ali Bilgic, The International Spectator, 2019

"[T]he book is part and parcel of the general thrust towards making International Relations a more social discipline that is arguably at the core of the new International Relations. In sociology-speak, it succeeds in pairing up the micro, the meso, and the macro. In anthropology-speak, it begins to look at interaction data in order to say something about social form. In New International Relations parlance, it focuses on the everyday as it is shaped by and shapes institutions and states. That should be as true an aim as any social science could ask for."
From the Series Editor’s Preface, authored by Iver B. Neumann

"In the vast field of literature on the Middle East in general, and on Palestine in particular, this book by Jan Busse is a gem [and] a must-read not only for every student of contemporary Palestine, but also for those interested in the uses of sociological approaches in understanding contemporary world affairs."
Mathias Albert, Bielefeld University, Germany

"This volume addresses in an excellent way the growing number of calls for a stronger cross-fertilization between IR Theory and Middle East Studies and for disciplinary boundary crossing more generally."
Morten Valbjørn, Aarhus University, Denmark

"I was fascinated by the research undertaken by Jan Busse. This is an outstanding book that succeeds in what many publications in the field fail to do. (...) A must-read."
Stephan Stetter, Bundeswehr University Munich, Germany


Busse, Jan (2019): “The Everyday Production of Modern Subjectivity in World Society: Global Structures meet Local Practices in Palestine.” In: Dietrich Jung/Stephan Stetter (eds.): Modern Subjectivities in World Society: Global Structures and Local Practices. New York: Palgrave, 105-124.

Busse, Jan (2019): "Zankapfel Libyen: Die italienisch-französische Eskalation", Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik, 3/2019, 21-24.

Busse, Jan (2018): "Germany and the Israeli Occupation: The Interplay of International Commitments and Domestic Dynamics", Global Affairs, 4 (1), 77-88.

Busse, Jan/ Stetter, Stephan (2018): “Face the Thing that Should not Be: Rassismus in Theorie und Praxis der Internationalen Beziehungen.” In: Ina Ulrike Paul/ Sylvia Schraut (eds.), Rassismus in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Eine interdisziplinäre Analyse. Festschrift für Walter Demel. Berlin: Peter Lang, 361–394.

Busse, Jan / Stetter, Stephan (2018): “Israels Skepsis gegenüber den UN“, Zeitschrift Vereinte Nationen, Heft 3/2018, 99-104.

Busse, Jan / Stetter, Stephan (2018): "Die Jerusalemfrage im israelisch-palästinensischen Konflikt", Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte (APUZ 15-16 2018), 23-31.

Busse, Jan / Stetter, Stephan (2017): "1967 - Das Jahr, das den Nahen Osten veränderte”, Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte (APUZ 5-7 2017), 27-33.

Busse, Jan / Asseburg, Muriel (2016): "Das Ende der Zweistaatenregelung? Alternativen und Prioritäten für die Regelung des israelisch-palästinensischen Konflikts", SWP Aktuell 2016/A 27.

Busse, Jan (2015): “The Biopolitics of Statistics and Census in Palestine”, International Political Sociology 9 (1), 70-89.

Busse, Jan (2015): “Theorizing Governance as Globalized Governmentality: The Dynamics of World-Societal Order in Palestine”, Middle East Critique 24 (2), 161-189.

Busse, Jan / Stetter, Stephan (2014): „Gouvernementalität im Nahen Osten: Machtpraktiken in Israel und Palästina aus weltgesellschaftstheoretischer Perspektive", in: Andreas Vasilache (ed.), Gouvernementalität, Staat und Weltgesellschaft: Studien zum Regieren im Anschluss an Foucault. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, pp. 197-224.

Busse, Jan / Asseburg, Muriel (2010): „Deutschlands Politik gegenüber Israel", in: Thomas Jäger/Alexander Höse/Kai Oppermann (Hg.),  Deutsche Außenpolitik. 2. überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage. VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2010, pp. 693-716.