


Dr. Mitra Moussa Nabo


Mitra Moussa Nabo is researcher at the Nationales Zentrum für Kriminalprävention (National Center for Crime Prevention) in Bonn. He was a research associate at the professorship for International Politics and Conflict Research until 2017. Following his Magister program in Political Science and History in Osnabrück from 2003 to 2008, he received his doctorate in 2013 at the Bundeswehr University Munich on the (de)legitimacy of interventions by regional players in the Lebanese conflict.

Research priorities

  • Sociologically inspired theories of international relations, regional security research and sociological conflict research
  • His empirical or subject-related focus entails social order and societal dynamics in the Middle East (Levant and Gulf region) and issues relating to Islam and Islamism research.



Dorthe Siegmund, M.A.

Dorthe Siegmund works for a globally active development and humanitarian agency. She has been a lecturer at the Chair for International Politics and Conflict Research since 2014. From January to April 2015 she worked as a research associate in the dean’s office of the Department of Social Sciences and Public Affairs. Dorthe Siegmund holds a Magister degree in Political Science at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich. She is a doctoral candidatee at the Chair for International Politics and Conflict Research.
Working title: Lokale Friedensinitiativen im Spannungsfeld von Weltkultur und Konfliktkontext: Eine Analyse des Status und der Bedeutung israelischer und palästinensischer Nichtregierungsorganisationen (Local peace initiatives between world culture and conflict context: an analysis of the status and relevance of Israeli and Palestinian ngos). As part of her research, she underwent research trips to Israel and Palestine in 2012 and 2016, and was a visiting researcher at the Leonard Davis Institute for International Relations of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 2012.

Research interests

International political sociology; norm diffusion in world society; international relations with the Middle East; theories and methods of conflict research (especially constructivist approaches); human security; human rights discourses
Her regional focus lies on political and social dynamics of the Middle East and North Africa, in particular Israel, Palestine, Egypt and Jordan.