Prof. Dr. Mathias AlbertMathias Albert is Professor of Political Science at Bielefeld University. His research interests cover the history and sociolgy of world politics, youth studies, and, more recently, polar politics. His latest books include "A Theory of World Politics" (Cambridge University Press 2016), "The Politics of International Political Theory" (ed. with A Lang, Palgrave 2019); "Jugend 2019. 18. Shell Jugendstudie" (with K Hurrelmann, G Quenzel, Kantar).
Mathias has been a regular visitor for various time spans since 2010, collaborating on a number of projects in the areas of world society theory, social evolution, and conflict studies.
Prof. Dr. Albert's Website:
Dr. Botiagne Marc EssisDr. Botiagne Marc Essis is Political scientist and lecturer at the Université Félix Houphouet-Boigny Abidjan as well as at the Institut Universitaire d’Abidjan (IUA). His research interests include areas such as Political Theory, International Relations, Africa Policy, Security Governance and Research Methods. As a visiting fellow at the Universität der Bundeswehr, Dr. Botiagne Marc Essis is currently writing his habilitation thesis on Transnationalization and Security Governance in Africa under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Stephan Stetter. His working languages are French, German and English. |
Prof. Dr. Dietrich JungDietrich Jung is a Professor and Head of Department at the Center for Contemporary Middle East Studies, University of Southern Denmark. He holds a MA in Political Science and Islamic Studies, as well as a Ph.D. from the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences, University of Hamburg, Germany, and has large field experience in the Muslim world. He has held Fellowships and Visiting Professorships at the Centre for Studies in Religion and Society, University of Victoria; Political Science Department, University of the Bundeswehr, Munich; Institute for Advanced Studies, Princeton; IR Department of Bilkent University, Ankara; Green College, University of British Columbia; Department of Sociology, National University of Singapore and the International Islamic University Malaysia. Since September 2018, he has been the academic coordinator (PI) of the Human Health Project at University of Southern Denmark. Muslim History and Social Theory: A Global Sociology of Modernity, New York: Palgrave (2017); Modern Subjectivities in World Society. Global Structures and Local Practices, edited together with Stephan Stetter, London: Palgrave MacMillan (2018).
Dietrich Jung was a guest professor at the University of the Bundeswehr in Munich in May 2016 and in May/June 2017. During his first stay in Munich he wrote the draft manuscript of Muslim History and Social Theory, whereas on his second stay he was working together with Stephan Stetter on the edited volume on Modern Subjectivities in World Society. |
Prof. Dr. Jung's Website:
Ass. Prof. Dr. David ShimDr. David Shim (Dr. phil. University of Hamburg, Germany) is Senior Lecturer and Master Program Coordinator at the Department of International Relations and International Organization of the University of Groningen and since August 2019 visiting researcher at the Chair of International Politics and Conflict Studies of the Bundeswehr University Munich. There he collaborates with Dr. Jan Busse on the appropriation of subversive politics through street art. David is interested in the visual and spatial dimension of global politics and works at the intersection of International Relations, Geography and Area Studies. David has engaged different visual media including comics,film,photographyandsatellite imagery to explore their politics of representation. He has translated some of his research activities into teaching practice on his blog Visual Global Politics. His work appeared in International Political Sociology, International Studies Review, Geoforum, Global Discourse, International Relations of the Asia-Pacific, Asian Perspective and Review of International Studies. His book Visual Politics and North Korea is available at Routledge. David is also member of the editorial board of the Korea Journal |
Ass. Prof. Dr. Shim's Website:
Prof. Dr. Alfred ToviasAlfred Tovias is Professor Emeritus of the Department of International Relations of the Hebrew University. He was the Chairman of the same Department from 2010 through 2012. Before he served for five years as Director of the Leonard Davis Institute for International Relations at the same University (2005-2010). He holds also the EU-sponsored Jean Monnet Chair on External Economic Relations of the EU. Since retiring from HU, he has been a Visiting Professor at the University of Geneva (Switzerland), University of the Bundeswehr (Germany), University of Warsaw (Poland), University of Masaryk (Czech Republic)and University of Valencia (Spain).He is also the Co-President of the Israeli Association for the Study of European Integration (IASEI), together with Dr Maya Sion. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the FEMISE (Forum Mediterraneen d'Instituts d'Etudes Economiques), as well as a member of the Steering Committee of EuroMeSCo .He has published several books and articles among others in The Journal of Common Market Studies, European Union Politics, Mediterranean Politics, Oxford Economic Papers, The World Economy and West European Politics. His most recent book, co-edited with Amy Verdun, is a study “Mapping European Economic Integration”, published by Palgrave in November 2013.He has been a consultant to the OECD, the World Bank and UNCTAD. |
Prof. Dr. Tovias' Website:
Ass. Prof. Dr. Mehdi ZibaeiMehdi Zibaei is an Assistant Professor in the Political Science department at Imam Khomeini International University (IKIU), Qazvin-Iran, where he has been a faculty member since 2018. He completed his Ph.D. at Guilan University, Rasht-Iran, and his undergraduate studies at National University, (Shahid Beheshti University, Iran). His research focuses on historical and international political sociologies, in particular, on the Word Historical Sociology (WHS) and Historical Sociology on International Relations (HSIR). His regional focus lies on societal and political dynamics in the Middle East and North Africa. In his research, he constantly tries to transcend disciplinary boundaries. He works especially on the intersection of the (sub-) disciplines of Political Science/International Relations, Sociology, and History. In particular, by feeling at home in both International Relations and Middle East Studies, transdisciplinarity is a fundamental basis of his identity as a researcher. He had spent the academic year 2015-2016 as a visiting fellow in the Bundeswehr University Munich, Germany, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Stephan Stetter and carried on his Ph.D. dissertation that studied ‘The Arab Uprisings' influence on the Middle East Regional States System through the Historical Sociology of International Relations (HSIR) lens’. His recent work in English was “Deep State in Egypt: From Revolution to Dictatorship" and in Persian was a book titled “Politics and Governments in the Middle East” that is concentrated on the relations between societies and states in the Arab world.
Ass. Prof. Dr. Zibaei's Website: