Project Timeframe: June 2023 - June 2024
Funded by: Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency
Project description: 
The project aims to collect data through life history interviews and subsequent thematic in-depth interviews to explore the experiences of discrimination and violence among Roma, as well as their strategies of resilience and resistance. Different groups of Roma with and without migration experiences will be interviewed to reveal complex interconnections of discriminations and to enable the tracing of continuities over time (including along migration histories). A comparative perspective is chosen to develop insights into discrimination, violence, and individual and collective ways of dealing with them. This detailed examination of the interconnections and continuities of discrimination and resilience allows for nuanced findings, aiming to strengthen resilience within the community and support prevention efforts.

To ensure the project's rootedness in the community and its outcomes, it was designed in collaboration with the Landesrat der Roma NRW (State Council of Roma in North Rhine-Westphalia) and some of its member organizations, adopting a participatory action approach. Interviewers from the Roma community are being trained for data collection and analysis.