Awards at the HTC-18 Michael Bachmann (Ketek GmbH) and Florian Herdl (UniBW) won the second and third places in the best poster award at the HTC-18 conference held in Leuven, Belgium on 28-31 May 2024. Both posters focus …
Wunderwerkstoff Graphen Graphen besteht aus ultradünnen Kohlenstoffschichten mit faszinierenden physikalischen Eigenschaften. Die EU förderte seit 2013 die Entwicklung im Rahmen eines milliardenschweren Flagship-Projekts.
Visit by Prof. Suhad Sbeih From July, 10 to July, 13 we had the honour to welcome Prof. Suhad Sbeih from German Jordanian University, Amman at our institute.