Bachelor's Programme Aerospace Engineering

The Bachelor's programme prepares you for your work as an engineer by teaching solid scientific/mathematical, engineering and aerospace-specific basics. With the method-oriented course of studies we pursue an interdisciplinary approach: classical mechanical engineering contents are supplemented by contents from electrical engineering/electronics and information technology, so that you are up to typical challenges in dealing with complex interdisciplinary technical systems. They build up skills and competences in order to be able to analyse, evaluate and solve subject-related problems on a sound basis. At the same time, the Bachelor's programme forms the basis for the further Master's programme.

Concept and structure

The Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering is based on the recommendations of the Faculty of Mechanical and Process Engineering (FTMV) and takes into account the special requirements that the field of aerospace engineering brings with it. Accordingly, the contents are similar to those of a classical degree in mechanical engineering, but emphasize aeronautical and space technology focal points or special fields.
The Bachelor's programme comprises modules totalling 180 ECTS credits. The standard period of study is 3 years (9 trimesters). The curriculum is shown in Figure 1a. The course can also be studied in an intensive study period of 2 ¼ years (7 trimesters). The concept of intensive studies, in which the modules are coordinated over time in such a way that individual modules can be completed one or two years earlier, has proven itself in recent years.
Structure of the programme
The structure and contents of the Bachelor's programme are fundamentally and application-oriented. The orientation was that the graduates build up a competence profile in the sense of the requirements formulated by the Qualifications Framework.
Students of the Bachelor's programme LRT thus acquire skills and abilities in subject areas which can be subdivided into a basic study period and a subject study period, although these are not strictly separated in time. The mathematical and scientific fundamentals also include their deepening in the sense of the requirements of engineering and, in particular, aerospace technology. In addition, it is important to teach students the basics of engineering. Within the framework of the specialist studies, the knowledge from the fundamentals of engineering science must be deepened and expanded in an application- and basic research-oriented manner in order to build up the ability to view technical problems in a holistic and problem-oriented manner. In addition, specific aeronautical and space technology challenges have to be intensively taught as part of the course of study, which takes place in corresponding specialisation and specialisation subjects. The development and operation of technical systems requires further knowledge, which is represented by interdisciplinary non-technical subjects.
These fundamental considerations result in 5 categories of courses, which are described in more detail below.
The basic mathematical/scientific subjects comprise modules in Advanced Mathematics and Experimental Physics. With these courses, students learn about scientific phenomena and physical effects as well as methods for their description using mathematical methods that can be used to present technical problems. On the other hand, the foundations are laid for analyzing technical functions and solving the resulting tasks. Analytical solutions in mathematics often do not exist or are not sufficient to effectively solve practical problems. The modules Numerical Mathematics and Software Development for Engineers provide students with the tools they need to solve problems numerically and translate them into computer programs.
The modules on engineering fundamentals serve to provide the basic knowledge of mechanical engineering. The modules for technical mechanics provide the basis for structural and strength analyses. The contents of the thermodynamics modules have already been expanded to include the specific challenges of aerospace technology. The basics are supplemented by a module Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering. With the modules on materials science, students learn about the properties of metallic and non-metallic materials from the phenomenological and chemical sides as well as from the material-physical side. The associated practical course enables them to gain initial experience in the use of such materials and to illustrate the knowledge acquired in the lectures.
Modules to supplement the basics of engineering are fluid mechanics and basics of aerodynamics, basics of heat transfer, basics of measurement technology as well as control engineering. These modules allow the deepening of engineering fundamentals and the development of specific knowledge required for aeronautical and space systems. In addition to imparting basic knowledge, the aim of these modules is to build up an understanding of the complexity of technical systems.
The interdisciplinary non-technical subjects include the module Fundamentals of Business Administration and Management for Engineers. Here, students learn how the development and emergence of technical systems must be viewed in the context of the market, the company and society. Today, solutions in the engineering sciences are mainly found in teams, which is why communication and presentation techniques are necessary to ensure cooperation. The social, psychological, economic and political prerequisites and effects of the developed systems must also be considered. After all, teamwork and a good command of English are important qualities in the field of aerospace technology. The development of individual skills that go beyond engineering knowledge and skills is supported by modules from the university-wide support programme Studium+.
The knowledge build-up is rounded off by aerospace-specific in-depth and focus modules in lightweight construction, propulsion systems, the basics of flight mechanics and aeronautical engineering and space systems. Within the framework of these modules, the basic knowledge acquired must be applied. The students get an overview of the interaction of the sub-disciplines in real technical systems of aerospace technology. This subject group is supplemented by two compulsory elective modules, which offer students the opportunity to deepen their knowledge in subject areas according to their inclinations.
In order to optimally adapt the competences that the students acquire to future challenges, it goes without saying that the Faculty of Aerospace Technology offers students the opportunity to participate in current research projects. The modules Study Thesis and Bachelor Thesis provide students with a first direct insight into current research challenges and the associated opportunity to work scientifically. With both modules not only an application reference is to be manufactured but at the same time also by the application of the acquired knowledge the ability is to be trained to set methods and knowledge into an application reference and to use for problem solution.
The student research project represents the first major work in which the students work on their acquired knowledge to solve a defined task under the guidance of scientific personnel. In addition to the competence development described above, the aim is to learn and train the methods of scientific work, information acquisition and processing as well as the presentation and documentation of technical and scientific facts.
The bachelor thesis proves that the students are able to independently identify technical and scientific problems within a limited period of time and to transform them into tasks for which they then derive, concretize and implement solutions. The results are not only documented and prepared by the students but also communicated, presented and presented within a development team so that they can be further processed.
With the training contents described, the students acquire both the necessary basic and application-specific knowledge to solve engineering challenges as well as the skills to approach and effectively solve problems in a goal-oriented manner. After familiarisation with a specific working environment, students will be able to familiarise themselves with current subject-specific fields of activity and apply their knowledge and skills to them. This is supported by the fact that social and extracurricular skills are also promoted through training within the framework of Studium+.

Basic training

As preparation for their studies, the future students should get to know basic techniques of production and processing in the basic/pre-study internship before their studies; it serves as an introduction to industrial production and the teaching of essential elementary knowledge.

The basic/pre-study internship is necessary before the start of studies in order to promote the understanding of the courses in the first semesters.

At the UnibwM, proof of the complete basic internship of six weeks and two weeks of the specialized internship from area A, FPO No. 3.2, is required as a prerequisite for admission to the Bachelor's program. The relevant evidence in the form of an internship report booklet must be submitted at enrolment.

Explanation of section A:

GP 1: Machining manufacturing processes
(Examples: sawing, filing, drilling, thread cutting, turning, planing, milling, forging)

GP 2: Forming production processes
(Examples: cold forming, bending, straightening, pressing, rolling, drawing, cutting, punching, riveting, forging)

GP 3: Primary forming manufacturing processes
(Examples: casting, sintering, plastic injection moulding)

GP 4: Joining and separating processes
(Examples: soldering, welding, flame cutting, gluing)

Conditions to be met for recognition of the basic/pre-study internship:

  • Total duration six weeks
  • Coverage of at least three of the four areas of activity mentioned above GP 1 to GP 4


The Air Force Officers' School is responsible for organising the basic/pre-study internship:


Offizierschule FürstenfeldbruckOffizierschule der Luftwaffe
Stabsgebiet 3
AusbOrg RessMgmt/DV-Ustg Ausb
BeauftrStudPrakt OSLw

82242 Fürstenfeldbruck
Postfach 12 64 A/A

AllgFspWNBw 62 30
Tel 0 81 41 / 53 60-13 34
Fax 0 81 41 / 53 60-29 01


Job profiles

On the basis of the competence profile acquired, graduates of the LRT bachelor's programme have a wide range of applications both in the development and operation of complex technical systems:

  • In the free economy, both in the national and international aerospace industry, but also in other branches of industry such as automotive or rail vehicle construction, shipbuilding or general mechanical engineering;
  • In scientific areas at universities, universities of applied sciences or other research institutions (e.g. the German Aerospace Center, DLR, or the institutes of the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, FhG);
  • In the administration, in federal and state authorities as well as in the European Union such as the Federal Aviation Authority (LBA), Federal Office for Aircraft Accident Investigation (BFU), Federal Ministries of Transport and Defence.


In the scientific field, graduates find a broad field of activity at universities, universities of applied sciences and research institutions (e.g. German Aerospace Center DLR, Institutes of the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft FhG).

Graduates of the aerospace industry can also be employed outside the actual aerospace industry, for example in the branches of industry such as automotive and rail vehicle construction, ship technology and general mechanical engineering; companies from wind energy and medical technology can also be considered. Software, system and consulting companies also offer suitable jobs.

Requirements and objectives

The basis for the further development of the bachelor's degree course in aerospace technology is the Qualifications Framework for German university degrees as the standard for the qualification of the first educational cycle, i.e. the bachelor's degree. The graduates

  • have demonstrated knowledge and understanding in a subject that builds on and goes far beyond their general secondary education and that is usually at a level that, supported by scientific textbooks, at least in some aspects links to the latest findings in their subject.
  • have demonstrated a broad and integrated knowledge and understanding of the scientific foundations of their field of learning.
  • have a critical understanding of the most important theories, principles and methods of their course of study and can deepen their knowledge in every direction.
  • can apply their knowledge and understanding in a way that demonstrates a professional approach to their work or profession and which has skills usually demonstrated by formulating and substantiating arguments and solving problems in their field of study.
  • have the ability to collect and interpret relevant data (usually within their field of study) to support assessments and judgements that take into account relevant social, scientific or ethical concerns.
  • can communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to both experts and laymen.
  • have developed the learning strategies they need to continue their studies with maximum autonomy.
  • can take responsibility in a team.

Practical training

Practical training is part of a degree programme and the aim of the specialist internship is to explore study-related fields of activity, to gain general and specialist knowledge and experience from professional practice and to experience the social structures in companies in the free economy.

The selection of the internship institution, taking into account academic study contents and emphases, is the responsibility of the students in conjunction with the internship office. The internship is scheduled to take place during the lecture-free period, approx. July to September of the first academic year. Students must make detailed arrangements with the company and the internship office regarding time, content and topics on their own responsibility.

The internship is carried out according to the internship regulations of the faculty LRT, published as Annex 3 of the Bachelor's examination regulations.

The internship must meet the following conditions for full recognition:

  1. Total length twelve weeks, of which two weeks were already completed in the basic and pre-study internship.
  2. The internship may not be less than four weeks for area A and six weeks for area B.
  3. Overall, the coverage of at least five significantly different sub-areas with a minimum of one to a maximum of four weeks per sub-area is required for areas A and B together.
    Area A at least 2 sub-areas
    Area B at least 3 sub-areas
    Area A: Industrial Engineering Internship
    Marking: Integration of the trainee into a working environment of skilled workers, master craftsmen and technicians with predominantly executive activity character.
    Typical sub-areas can be here, for example:
    Production and processing of materials or semi-finished and finished products, assembly, commissioning, testing and quality control, plant operation.
    Area B: Engineering Internship
    Marking: Integration of the trainee into the work environment of engineers
    or appropriately qualified persons with a predominantly developing, planning or managing activity character
    Typical sub-areas could be here, for example:
    Research, development, construction, calculation, testing, design, production planning, production control, logistics, plant management, engineering services.
  4. As an alternative to various sub-areas with a maximum of four weeks each, in area B longer activities in a single sub-area are also recognised as interdisciplinary project internships if the field of activity being worked on is characterised to a special degree by a variety of references to different sub-areas. For such interdisciplinary project placements in a single field of activity, the number of weeks may be recognised up to the maximum total number of weeks permitted for area B. For the recognition of longer internship periods in a single field of activity as an interdisciplinary project internship, demanding criteria are to be applied.
    Such criteria could be, for example:
    Participation in teams in which experts from different organizational units and areas of responsibility work together in an interdisciplinary manner on a specific current task. Coverage of several different areas of responsibility.


 Companies for the specialized internship
The knowledge and experience to be imparted in the specialist internship can be acquired primarily in medium-sized and large industrial companies as well as in companies that operate extensive technical facilities.
Engineering offices and university-independent research institutions can also be considered for parts of the specialist internship.
Not suitable and therefore not approved are craft enterprises in the maintenance and service sector as well as university institutes and institutes at universities.
In the specialized practical course at least the general guidance of the trainee activity is to take place by a person with engineer qualification.

Implementation of these guidelines
The decision in all questions of the practical course is made by Dr. Inka Schade, Internship Officer of the Faculty of Aerospace Technology.
It is subject to the instructions of the Audit Committee responsible pursuant to § 3 FPOLRT/Ba.
All necessary templates for the internship can be downloaded from the Examinations Office.
Please send enquiries about the suitability of the company with a link to its Internet presentation to the trainee representative.

Internship representative of the Faculty of Aerospace Technology:

Dr. Inka Schade
Institut für Technische Produktentwicklung (LRT3)
Geb. 42/0008, Tel.: 089/6004-3263

Contracts and delivery of the report portfolio:
Christine Galonska
Prüfungs- und Praktikantenamt
Geb. 101/0104, Tel.: 089/6004-4593

Supervision of the study programme:
Andrea Ciecierski
Prüfungs- und Praktikantenamt
Geb.101/0116, Tel.: 089/6004-3072

Study plan bachelor

grey cells = mathematical/scientific basics
orange cells = engineering principles
cells highlighted in green = supplement to engineering fundamentals
cells with blue background = deepening and centre of gravity subjects
light grey cells = interdisciplinary non-technical subjects


Dean of studies Examination Office Dean of studies Examination Office


  • 1: Dean of studies
  • 2: Examination Office