The lecture Modern Structural Materials deals with the material behaviour of materials, which cover a wide range of applications in the field of LRT. This includes classical as well as fibre reinforced plastics and metal-plastic composites.
With regard to the corrosion behaviour of metals and plastics, specific mechanisms such as intergranular corrosion, pitting, stress corrosion cracking and vibration corrosion cracking are addressed.
In the field of high-temperature behaviour of materials, a wide area is devoted to nickel-based alloys, intermetallic materials and composite ceramics.
With regard to the mechanical behaviour, special attention is paid to creep and creep damage. The aim of the lecture is to create criteria for the material selection of materials for individual applications based on the characteristic material spectrum.
With regard to the corrosion behaviour of metals and plastics, specific mechanisms such as intergranular corrosion, pitting, stress corrosion cracking and vibration corrosion cracking are addressed.
In the field of high-temperature behaviour of materials, a wide area is devoted to nickel-based alloys, intermetallic materials and composite ceramics.
With regard to the mechanical behaviour, special attention is paid to creep and creep damage. The aim of the lecture is to create criteria for the material selection of materials for individual applications based on the characteristic material spectrum.