- The DiaGen Overview describes the idea of DiaGen and the prominent features of the system.
- The Component Tutorial gives you more information about how to code your own diagram components in Java.
- The Tree Tutorial shows how a simple tree editor is constructed in the DiaGen framework (for the old 2.1 version of DiaGen).
- The DiaGen specification grammar shows the admissible construct for specification files and gives brief explanations of what they do.
- Oliver Köth's thesis ("Studienarbeit") on "Design and Implementation of a Generic Graphical Editor" which describes some of the internals of the generic editor (306kB PDF).
- Oliver Köth's diploma thesis on "Semantisches Zoomen in Diagrammeditoren am Beispiel von UML" (in German) which describes how DiaGen supports focus and context viewing by means of a UML class diagram editor. (1.2MB PDF).