Professur für Computergestützte Simulation im Bauingenieurwesen
Gebäude 41/100, Zimmer 5125 | |
+49 89 6004 3859 | |
gabriela.loera@unibw.de |
Eugenia Gabriela Loera Villeda M.Sc.
Academic Career
since 02/2021 | Research and Teaching Associate, Institute for Mathematics and Computer-Based Simulation, University of the Bundeswehr Munich |
10/2017-01/2020 |
Master of Science, Computational Mechanics, Technical University of Munich Master's thesis: Implementation of a Beam Mapping Algorithm in Kratos Multi-Physics, Chair of Structural Analysis |
10/2018-02/2020 |
Graduate Research Assistant, Chair of Computation in Engineering, Technical University of Munich |
08/2011-10/2017 |
Bachelor of Science, Mechanical Engineering, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico Exchange semester at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Munich |
Honors and Awards
2017-2020 | Scholarship Program for Foreign Students of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung |
Nichtlineare FEM | FT2021, FT2022, FT2023, FT2024 |
Research Focus
- Contact Mechanics
- Isogeometric Analysis (IGA)
- Finite Element Method (FEM)
- Loera Villeda, E.G.: An Embedded Mesh Approach for Coupling Tailored Isogeometric and Finite Element Meshes for Contact Problems, 9th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal, June 3-7, 2024
- Loera Villeda, E.G.: Towards and Embedded Mesh Approach for Isogeometric Boundary Layers in Contact Mechanics, 7th International Conference on Computational Contact Mechanics (ICCCM 2023), Torino, Italy, July 5-7, 2023
- Loera Villeda, E.G., Towards and Embedded Mesh Approach for Overlapping Isogeometric and Finite Element Meshes in Contact Mechanics, 11th International Conference on Isogeometric Analysis (IGA 2023), Lyon, France, June 18-21, 2023
- Loera Villeda, E.G.: Towards and Embedded Mesh Approach for Treating Overlapping Isogeometric and Finite Element Meshes, 9th GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics 2022, Essen, Germany, September 21 - 23, 2022
- Loera Villeda, E.G.: Coupling of NURBS boundary layer meshes with bulk finite element meshes using mortar methods, contributed, FE ohne Schnee, Mittelberg, Austria, July 16-19, 2022
- Loera Villeda, E.G.: Coupling of NURBS boundary layer meshes with bulk finite element meshes using mortar methods, contributed, 10th Contact Mechanics International Symposium (CMIS2022), Chexbres, Switzerland, May 23-25, 2022