Open-access publication of award-winning paper
14 April 2020
The article “A hybrid interface preconditioner for monolithic fluid-structure interaction solvers” has been published in Springer’s open-access journal “Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences”. It proposes a new preconditioner to tackle interface error accumulation of well-established physics-based FSI block preconditioners.
This work was selected as “Best Student Paper in Finite Element Analysis” in the 2017 Robert J. Melosh Competition. The competition, sponsored by and held at Duke University, brings together young scientist in computational mechanics. Based on written contributions and an oral presentation, the distinguished panel of international judges awarded the Robert J. Melosh Medal 2017 to Dr. Matthias Mayr in recognition of his contribution.
Download the open-access article at the publisher for free: https://doi.org/10.1186/s40323-020-00150-9