Journal of Theoretical, Computational and Applied Mechanics
3 September 2020
IMCS is proud to announce that Prof. Alexander Popp has been elected as one of the ten Founding Associate Editors of the brand-new Journal of Theoretical, Computational and Applied Mechanics (JTCAM). Within the Editorial Board, Prof. Popp will represent Germany (geographically) as well as computational mechanics (topically), and he will put a particular emphasis on encouraging young investigators to publish their work in JTCAM. Different to all existing scholarly journals in mechanics, JTCAM is provided provided on a so-called Fair /Diamond Open Access basis, i.e. without cost to both readers and authors. The journal aims to select publications of the highest scientific calibre in the form of either original research papers or reviews.
The focus is placed on contributions of fundamental importance in the broad domain of solid mechanics, mechanics of materials and structures. Deliberately, the journal aims to achieve a balance between theoretical, numerical, applied and experimental research. While anchored in mechanics, the journal strives to bridge to a broad range of scientific disciplines beyond engineering, amongst which applied mathematics and numerical methods, materials science, applied physics and geophysics.
Authors from all over the world are now invited to submit their papers to JTCAM according to the journal's open access submission guidelines!