Leon Eckardt wins study prize for outstanding master's thesis
27 Juni 2022
Last Saturday, June 24, 2022, Leon Eckardt, who is currently an external PhD student at IMCS, was awarded the study prize of the Friends of the University for his outstanding master's thesis on the topic "Berechnung von Eigenschwingformen von Platten mittels Isogeometrischer Analysis". Leon Eckardt wrote the master's thesis last year at IMCS and was supervised by Prof. Thomas Apel and Christof Haubner. At the student awards ceremony, in which the best graduates of UniBw are honored each year, Prof. Thomas Apel summarized Leon Eckardt's special achievement in his thesis with the following words:
"Isogeometric analysis (IGA) is a modern discretization method for partial differential equations that combines the approximation of solutions and the approximation of computational domains by CAD. Leon Eckardt has computed eigenmodes for the Laplace operator and Kirchhoff's plate using IGA and performed convergence studies depending on the polynomial degree and smoothness of the basis functions. As illustrative examples, he has reproduced the Chladni figures and a natural vibration mode of the Tacoma Bridge. The extremely dedicated and talented graduate has completed the master's program as the top student of the year with a brilliant grade of 1.06 - the second best grade ever achieved in the ME program."
We warmly congratulate Leon Eckardt on his successful graduation, his great master's thesis and the well-deserved win of the study award!