IMCS is involved in several projects at the new research center

2 March 2021

Our institute is a proud partner in two recently approved research projects within the framework of the new Center for Digitalization and Technology Research of the Bundeswehr ( From 2021 to 2024, this will fund several innovative research projects at IMCS in the fields of computational mechanics, high performance computing, digital twin and machine learning. At the same time, IMCS is being converted into a "digital institute" with modern workplace concepts and a fully digitized everyday workflow.

The project "RISK.twin - Intelligent Critical Technical Infrastructure" is concerned with researching the potential of hybrid digital twins for the critical technical infrastructure of the future. IMCS is not only involved through several PhD projects, but Prof. Popp also coordinates the interdisciplinary overall project at the UniBw Munich as well as at the Helmut-Schmidt-University / UniBw Hamburg (with a total of 14 scientific staff) as project leader. Further information and a detailed project presentation will follow soon!

In the project "HPC.Bw - Competence Platform for Software Efficiency and High Performance Computing", innovative cross-location HPC research is strengthened under the leadership of the Helmut-Schmidt-University / UniBw Hamburg and the transfer of HPC knowledge into various disciplines and application fields is accelerated. The research group of Prof. Popp, and in particular our new "Data Science and Computing Lab" headed by Dr. Mayr, is involved with a research project on efficient solution techniques (multigrid methods) for coupled problems. Here, too, a more detailed project presentation will follow soon!