The brand new IMCS cluster is up and running
27 March 2019
On Monday, 25 March 2019, the last step of the commissioning of the brand-new DELTA Intel Xeon Cluster of our institute took place. The cooling unit and the associated water cooling circuit were connected to the already installed high-performance computer and now control the fully automatic cooling of our powerful hardware components consisting of 384 cores arranged in 16 nodes with Intel Xeon Scalable Gold 5118 (Skylake-SP) CPUs, 196 GB DDR4 RAM per node and a Mellanox Inifiniband network.
This means that the institute now has excellent hardware equipment for research work in the field of computer-based simulation at its disposal, even by international standards. On the software side, our multiphysics research code BACI ("Bavarian Advanced Computational Initiative"), which we develop and maintain together with partners at the Technical University of Munich, is used for this purpose. More information about high performance computing at IMCS can be found here.