Keynote lecture at the ANSYS User Club e.V. Workshop 2019
24 May 2019
On Friday, 17 May 2019, the Institute was a guest at the ANSYS User Club e.V. Workshop 2019 in Blumenthal Castle near Augsburg. At the invitation of the association's board, Prof. Alexander Popp introduced this year's main workshop topic "Contact Simulation" with a keynote lecture entitled "From Fundamental Research to Application: Selected Trends in Computer-Based Simulation of Contact Problems". Both theoretical and more practical questions that arise in the contact simulation with finite element methods (FEM) were highlighted, as for example: Why do contact problems still cause such difficulties even within modern FEM programs? Node-to-Segment, Gauss-Point-to-Segment, Segment-to-Segment, what is all this about? How can large parallel computing clusters be used efficiently for the scalable solution of contact problems?
The ANSYS User Club e.V. (AUC) is a registered association whose objective is the support and promotion of numerical simulation with the commercial software products of ANSYS. The AUC mainly organizes users of the ANSYS software products who want to extend and improve their knowledge and skills in the field of numerical simulation by exchanging experiences among the members. Further details can be found here:
>> Website of the AUC
>> Program of the AUC Workshop 2019