Habtom Kahsay Gidey M.Sc.

INF 4 Institut für Angewandte Informatik
Gebäude 41/500, Zimmer 2508
+49 89 6004 3473

Habtom Kahsay Gidey M.Sc.



  •  M.Sc. Informatik (Technische Universität München)
  •  B.Sc. Informatik (Mekelle University)
  •  Advanced Diploma, Manufacturing Technology (Maichew Technical College)


Arbeits-& Forschungsthemen

  •  Software Architectures
  •  Architectural Design Patterns
  •  Modeling Knowledge-based Systems



  • Diego Marmsoler and Habtom Kahsay Gidey. "Interactive Verification of Architectural Design Patterns in FACTum" Formal Aspects of Computing. Springer, 2019.
  • Diego Marmsoler and Habtom Kahsay Gidey. "FACTum studio: a tool for the axiomatic specification and verification of architectural design patterns." International Conference on Formal Aspects of Component Software. Springer, Cham, 2018.
  • Habtom Kahsay Gidey, Diego Marmsoler and Jonas Eckhardt. "Grounded Architectures: Using Grounded Theory for the design of software architectures." 2017 IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture. IEEE, 2017.