Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie
Gebäude 161, Zimmer 1019 | |
+49 089 6004 3707 | |
roland.mergl@unibw.de |
Dr. Roland Mergl
- Seit 04/2019: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der Professur für Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie, Institut für Psychologie, an der Universität der Bundeswehr München
- 01/2007-03/2019: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der Klinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie im Universitätsklinikum Leipzig
- Seit 2003: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter in der Zentrale des Kompetenznetzwerks "Depression-Suizidalität"
- 07/2003: Promotion an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) München
- 10/1997-12/2006: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter in der Abteilung für Klinische Neurophysiologie der Klinik und Poliklinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
- 1991-1997: Studium der Psychologie (Diplom) an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) München
- Suizidforschung
- Screening und Therapie depressiver Störungen
- Schlafforschung
- Hegerl, U., Maxwell, M., Harris, F., Koburger, N., Mergl, R., Székely, A., Arensman, E., Van Audenhove, C., Larkin, C., Toth, M.D., Quintão, S., Värnik, A., Genz, A., Sarchiapone, M., McDaid, D., Schmidtke, A., Purebl, G., Coyne, J.C., Gusmão, R., on behalf of The OSPI-Europe Consortium (2019). Prevention of suicidal behaviour: Results of a controlled community based intervention study in four European countries. PLoS One, 14, e0224602.
- Heinz, I., Mergl, R., Hegerl, U., Rummel-Kluge, C. & Kohls, E. (2019). Depression stigma and management of suicidal callers: a cross-sectional survey of crisis hotline counselors. BMC Psychiatry, 19, 342.
- Köhler, J., Heinz, I., Mergl, R., Elsner, A. & Hegerl, U. (2021). The German Alliances Against Depression and suicide rates: a retrospective analysis. PLoS One, 16, e0254133.
Screening und Therapie depressiver Störungen
- Henkel, V., Mergl, R., Kohnen, R., Maier, W., Möller, H.-J. & Hegerl, U. (2003). Identifying depression in primary care: a comparison of different methods in a prospective cohort study. British Medical Journal, 326(7382), 200-201.
- Mergl, R., Seidscheck, I., Allgaier, A.-K., Möller, H.-J., Hegerl, U. & Henkel, V. (2007). Depressive, anxiety and somatoform disorders in primary care: prevalence and recognition. Depression and Anxiety, 24, 185-195.
- Mergl, R., Henkel, V., Allgaier, A.K., Kramer, D., Hautzinger, M., Kohnen, R., Coyne, J. & Hegerl, U. (2011). Are treatment preferences relevant in response to serotonergic antidepressants and cognitive-behavioral therapy in depressed primary care patients? Results from a randomized controlled trial including a patients' choice arm. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 80(1), 39-47.
- Weitz, E.S., Hollon, S.D., Twisk, J., van Straten, A., Huibers, M.J., David, D., DeRubeis, R.J., Dimidjian, S., Dunlop, B.W., Cristea, I.A., Faramarzi, M., Hegerl, U., Jarrett, R.B., Kheirkhah, F., Kennedy, S.H., Mergl, R., Miranda, J., Mohr, D.C., Rush, A.J., Segal, Z.V., Siddique, J., Simons, A.D., Vittengl, J.R. & Cuijpers, P. (2015). Baseline depression severity as moderator of depression outcomes between cognitive behavioral therapy versus pharmacotherapy: An individual patient data meta-analysis. JAMA Psychiatry, 72(11), 1102-1109.
- Vittengl, J.R., Jarrett, R.B., Weitz, E., Hollon, S.D., Twisk, J., Cristea, I., David, D., DeRubeis, R.J., Dimidjian, S., Dunlop, B.W., Faramarzi, M., Hegerl, U., Kennedy, S.H., Kheirkhah, F., Mergl, R., Miranda, J., Mohr, D.C., Rush, A.J., Segal, Z.V., Siddique, J., Simons, A.D., Cuijpers, P. (2016). Divergent outcomes in cognitive-behavioral therapy and pharmacotherapy for adult depression. American Journal of Psychiatry, 173(5), 481-490.
- Mergl, R., Allgaier, A.-K., Hautzinger, M., Coyne, J.C., Hegerl, U. & Henkel, V. (2018). One-year follow-up of a randomized controlled trial of sertraline and cognitive behavior group therapy in depressed primary care patients (MIND study). The Journal of Affective Disorders, 230, 15-21.
- Dogan-Sander, E., Willenberg, A., Batmaz, İ., Enzenbach, C., Wirkner, K., Kohls, E., Mergl, R., Thiery, J., Kratzsch, J., Hegerl, U. & Sander, C. (2019). Association of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentrations with sleep phenotypes in a German community sample. PLoS One, 14(7), e0219318.
- Schmidt, F.M., Mergl, R., Minkwitz, J., Holdt, L.M., Teupser, D., Hegerl, U., Himmerich, H. & Sander, C. (2020). Is there an association or not? – Investigating the association of depressiveness, physical activity, body composition and sleep with mediators of inflammation. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 11, 563.
- Mergl, R., Dogan-Sander, E., Willenberg, A., Wirkner, K., Kratzsch, J., Riedel-Heller, S., Allgaier, A.-K., Hegerl, U. & Sander, C. (2021). The effect of depressive symptomatology on the association of vitamin D and sleep. BMC Psychiatry, 21, 178.
- Greissl, S., Mergl, R., Sander, C., Hensch, T., Engel, C. & Hegerl, U. (2022). Is unemployment associated with inefficient sleep habits? A cohort study using objective sleep measurements. Journal of Sleep Research, 31, e13516.
Psychoneuroendokrinologie und -immunologie
- Wittekind, D.A., Kratzsch, J., Mergl, R., Enzenbach, C., Witte, V., Villringer, A. & Kluge, M. (2020). Higher fasting ghrelin serum levels in active smokers than in former and never-smokers. The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, 21, 748-756.
- Dogan-Sander, E., Mergl, R., Willenberg, A., Baber, R., Wirkner, K., Riedel-Heller, S.G., Röhr, S., Schmidt, F.M., Schomerus, G. & Sander, C. (2021). Inflammation and the association of vitamin D and depressive symptomatology. Nutrients, 13, 1972.
- Wittekind, D.A., Kratzsch, J., Mergl, R., Baber, R., Witte, V., Villringer, A. & Kluge, M. (2021). Free triiodothyronine (T3) is negatively associated with fasting ghrelin serum levels in a population sample of euthyroid subjects. Journal of Endocrinological Investigation, 44, 2655-2664.
- Wittekind, D.A., Kratzsch, J., Mergl, R., Riedel-Heller, S., Witte, A.V., Villringer, A. & Kluge, M. (2022). Serum ghrelin is positively associated with physiological anxiety but negatively associated with pathological anxiety in humans: data from a large community-based study. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 140, 105728.
- Wittekind, D.A., Kratzsch, J., Biemann, R., Mergl, R., Riedel-Heller, S., Witte, V., Villringer, A. & Kluge, M. (2022). Association between self-rating depression scores and total ghrelin and adipokine serum levels in a large population-based sample. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 13, 891325.
Forschung zu Fehl- und Totgeburten
- Mergl, R., Quaatz, S.M., Edeler, L.-M. & Allgaier, A.-K. (2022). Grief in women with previous miscarriage or stillbirth: A systematic review of cross-sectional and longitudinal prospective studies. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 13(2), 2108578.