

The focus of our research is the development and verification of cyber-physical systems, which closely integrate physical processes and computer-based algorithms.

This includes the complete design of the system, from sensors to control units and actuators, as well as the software.

A particular emphasis is placed on algorithm development for motion planning and control, and its efficient implementation on microcontrollers.

By integrating model-based verification and safe machine learning, we enable complex dynamical systems to be safe, reliable, and adaptable to uncertainties and changes.

These methods are applied to mobile robots, autonomous vehicles, biological systems and power systems.

We are happy to supervise student projects related to these research areas.

Our results are regularly published in scientific publications.


Current research topics:

- Automatic Software Analysis of Programs (ASAP)

- Safe Learning-based Intelligent Control (SLIC)

- Human-like Automated Driving (HAD)