Möchtest du unternehmerische Skills und Tools in deinem Unterricht integrieren? Hier lernst du wie du Unterricht über, für und durch Entrepreneurship gestalten kannst.
founders@unibw events
We offer you four inspiring formats to network inside and outside the UniBw and to learn how to find potential team members or investors:
Have lunch together and learn something! | Dive into new topics around Entrepreneurship & Intrapreneurship in short sessions! | Networking in a relaxed after-work atmosphere! |
Interessante Gründer*innen persönlich kennenlernen und mehr über unsere Startups erfahren! |
The events are open and free of charge for all university members and external persons. In order to be able to plan better, we ask for prior registration. External students are only allowed access to the campus if they are registered.