
Gebert, J.; Lätsch, M.; Pickl, S.; Veroff, B.; Weber, G.-W.; Wünschiers, R. (2004)
Stability analysis of gene expression data with polyhedra
International Conference on Research in Computational
Molecular Biology, RECOMB 2004,
San Diego,  27.3.-31.3.2004


Gebert, J.; Lätsch, M., Pickl, S.; Weber, G.-W.; Wünschiers, R. (2003)
Stability analysis of time series gene expression data
European Conference on Computational Biology
ECCB 2003,
Paris, 27.-30.9.2003



Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2003)
Nash equilibria for the multi-objective control of discrete systems
First EMS – SMAI – SMF joint conference AMAM 2003
Applied Mathematics and Applications of Mathematics
Nice, 10.-13.2.2003