C.88 |
Hua Ting, K.; Lai Soon, L.; Pickl, S.; Hsin-Vonn, S. (2023) Shared Mobility Problems: A Systematic Review on Types, Variants, Characteristics, and Solution Approaches Mathematics (an Open Access Journal by MDPI), 1 - 42
C.87 |
Pickl, S.; Lozovanu, D. (2022) Equilibria in Pure Strategies for a Two-Player Zero-Sum Average Stochastic Positional Game Bulletin der Akademie der Wissenschaften der Republik Moldawien, 75 - 81
C.86 |
Pickl, S.; Thiebes, B.; Winkhardt-Enz, R.; Schwarze, R. (2022) Invited perspectives: Challenges and step changes for natural hazard - perspectives from the German Committee for Disaster Reduction (DKKV) Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., Vol. 22, issue 6, 1969 - 1972
C.85 |
Pickl, S.; Thiebes, B.; Winkhardt-Enz, R.; Schrott, L.; Rudloff, A.; (2022) Frühwarnung und Alarmierung der Bevölkerung Crisis Prevention - Fachmagazin für Gefahrenabwehr, Innere Sicherheit und Katastrophenhilfe, CP 2/22, 72 - 74
C.84 |
Pickl, S.; Anuar, W.; Lee, L.; Seow, H. (2022) A Multi-Depot Dynamic Vehicle Routing Problem with Stochastic Road Capacity: An MDP Model and Dynamic Policy for Post-Decision State Rollout Algorithm in Reinforcement Learning Mathematics (an Open Access Journal by MDPI), Vol. 10, 2699
C.83 |
Pickl, S.; Anuar W.; Lee, L.; (2022) Benchmark dataset for multi depot vehicle routing problem with road capacity and damage road consideration for humanitarian operation in critical supply delivery Applied Mathematics, Elsevier, Data in Brief, Vol. 41, Artikel 107901 |
C.82 |
Pickl, S.; Anuar W.; Lee, L.; Seow, H. (2021) A Multi-Depot Vehicle Routing Problem with Stochastic Road Capacity and Reduced Two-Stage Stochastic Integer Linear Programming Models for Rollout Algorithm Mathematics (an Open Access Journal by MDPI), Vol. 9, Issue 13, 1512 |
C.81 |
Pickl, S.; Azhmyakov, V.; Fernandez-Gutierrez, J.; Verriest, E. (2021) A separation based optimization approach to Dynamic Maximal Covering Location Problems with switched structure Journal of Industrial & Management Optimization, 17 (2), 669 - 686 |
C.80 |
Pickl, S.; Hemmers, J.; Schwarze, R.; Thiebes, B.; Loreth, T.; Zuccaro, G. (2020) Beyond ESPREssO - Integrative Risk Assessment 2025 Synergies and Gaps in Climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 51 |
C.79 |
Pickl, S.; Bein, W.; Tao, F. (2019) Data Analytics and Optimization for Decision Support Business & Information Systems Engineering 61 (3), 255 - 256 |
C.78 |
Pickl, S.; Lozovanu, D. (2019) Pure stationary nash equilibria for discounted stochastic positional games In Contributions to Game Theory and Management 12 (0), 246 - 260 |
C.77 |
Pickl, S.; Tao, B.; Liao, T.W.; Tao, F. (2019) Intelligent Computing and System towards Smart Manufacturing Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing volume 10, 2019, 825 - 827 |
C.76 |
Nistor S.; Pickl, S.; Raap, M.; Zsifkovits, M. (2019) Network Efficiency and Vulnerability Analysis using the Flow-Weighted Efficiency Measure International Transactions in Operational Research ITOR 26(2): 577 - 588 |
C.75 |
Dehmer, M.; Shi, Y.; Yu, G.; Pickl, S. (2019) New Inequalities for Network Distance Measures by Using Graph Spectra Discrete Applied Mathematics 252, Elsevier, 17 - 27 |
C.74 |
Izhutkin, V.; Kocheshkov, I.; Pickl, S. (2018) Computer model of colony of microorganisms causing community acquired pneumonia for solving the problem of optimization of the concentration of antibiotic International Journal of Applied and Fundamental Research, no.6 |
C.73 |
Zhonglin, W.; Zsifkovits, M.; Pickl, S. (2018) Analyzing vulnerabilities of the german high-speed train network using quantitative graph theory International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering, 8 (1): 59 - 64, 2018. 54, 121 |
C.72 |
Azhmyakov V.; Fernandez-Gutierrez J.P.; Pickl S. (2017) A separation method for maximal covering location problems with fuzzy parameters Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, no. 38, 2017, pp. 638 - 670
C.71 |
Raap, M.; Zsifkovits, M.; Pickl, S. (2017) Trajectory optimization under kinematical constraints for moving target search Computers & OR 88: 324 - 331
C.70 |
Raap, M.; Meyer-Nieberg, S.; Zsifkovits, M.; Pickl, S. (2017) Aerial Vehicle Search-Path-Optimization: A Novel Method for Emergency Operations Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol 172, issue 3, no. 12, 965-983
C.69 |
Izhutkin, V.; Zonov, A.; Konyrev, D.; Pickl, S. (2017) Dynamic Computer Model of Influence Enviromental Factors on the Spread of Asthma International Journal of Applied and Fundamental Research, no. 3
Nistor, M.S.; Zsifkovits, M.; Meyer-Nieberg, S.; Pickl, S. (2016) Passenger Pattern Recognition in Railway Stations using Quantitative Network Analysis Journal of Information Assurance & Security, 2016, Vol. 11 issue 1, 11 - 20
Zsifkovits, M.; Zsifkovits, J.; Pickl, S. (2016) Simulating Healthcare quality Innovation based on a Novel Medical Treatment: The Case of Hepatitis-C in Europe Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Vol II 3, Part B: 454 - 459
Izhutkin, V.; Pickl, S. (2016) Virtual Electronic Practical Work on Elements of Mathematical Logic International Journal of Applied and Fundamental Research, Academy of Natural History, No. 2 2016, 4 p.
Azhmyakov, V.; Fernandez-Gutierrez, J.P.; Gadi, S.K.; Pickl, S. (2016) A Novel Numerical Approach to the MCLP based Resilient Supply Chain Optimization IFAC-PapersOnLine, vol. 49, 2016, pp. 137 - 142
Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2016) Determining the Optimal Strategies for Zero-Sum Average Stochastic Positional Games Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics Elsevier, 155 - 159
Teodorescu, H.-N.; Pickl, S. (2016) Computing and optimizing the index of resilience of networks and information systems Romanian Journal of Information Science and Technology (ROMJIST), 19 (1-2): 116 - 126, 2016. 33, 34
Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2015) On Nash Equilibria in Stochastic Positional Games with Average Payoffs Springer, Heidelberg, 171 - 186
Meyer-Nieberg, S.; Zsifkovits, M.; Pickl, S. (2015) Operations Research for Risk Management in Strategic Foresight Planet@Risk, Global Risk Forum Davos, Vol 3 Nr. 2, 281 – 288
Dehmer, M.; Meyer-Nieberg, S.; Mihelcic, G.; Zsifkovits, M.; Pickl, S. (2015) Collaborative Risk Management for National Security and Strategic Foresight EURO Journal on Decision Processes, Vol.3, Springer-Verlag, 305 – 337
Hu, B.; Leopold, A.; Pickl, S. (2015) Concept and Prototype of a Web Tool for Public - Private Project Contracting based on a Systems Dynamic Model CEJOR Central European Journal of Operations Research 23(2), Springer-Verlag, 407 - 419
Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2015) Determining the optimal strategies for discrete control problems on stochastic networks with discounted costs, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 169 - 180
Azhmyakov, V.; Juarez, R.; Pickl, S. (2015) On the local convexity of singular optimal control problems associated with the switched-mode dynamic systems IFAC-PapersOnLine, vol. 48, 2015, pp. 271 - 276
Izhutkin V.; Pickl, S. (2015) Interactive Electronic Practical Work with Methods of the Dynamic Programming International Journal of Applied and Fundamental Research Publishing House "Academy of Natural History", no. 2
Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2014) Nash Equilibria Conditions for Stochastic Positional Games Contributions to Game Theory and Management GTM 2013, Collected Papers Edited by Leon A. Petrosyan and Nikolay A. Zenkevich, 201 - 213
C.54 |
Preuß, M.; Dehmer, M.; Pickl, S.; Holzinger, A. (2014) On terrain coverage optimization by using an network approach for universal graph-based data mining and knowledge discovery Brain Informatcis and Health 2014: 564 - 573
C.53 |
Preda, A.; Rönkkö, M.; Pickl, S.; Kolehmainen, M. (2013) Gis-based route planning for HAZMAT transportation ISESS 2013: 357 - 366
Al-Khudhairy, D.; Axhausen, K.; Bishop, S.; Herrmann, H.; Hu, B.; Kröger, W.; Lewis, T.; MacIntosh, J. ; Nowak, A.; Pickl, S. (2012) Towards integrative risk management and more resilient societies Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics 214, 571 -595
Pickl, S.; Leopold, A.; Hu, B. (2012) Web-based Participatory System Dynamics Modelling - Concept and Prototype Development, International Journal of Computing Anticipatory Systems, Vol. 30, 37 - 46
Pickl, S.; Leopold, A.; Hu, B. (2012) Why Do We Hesitate to Take Action Towards Implementation of Sustainable Technology? International Journal of Computing Anticipatory Systems, Vol. 30, 69 - 80
Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2012) Saddle Point Conditions for Antagonistic Positional Games in Complex Markov Decision Processes, International Journal of Computing Anticipatory Systems, Vol. 30, 105 - 116
Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2011) A Dynamic Programming Approach for Finite Markov Processes and Polynomial Time Algorithms, Optimization, Vol. 60 No 10-11, 1339 - 1358
Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2011) Algorithms for Determining the State-Time Probabilities and the Limit Matrix in Markov Chains, Buletinul Academiei de Stiinte a Republicii Moldova. Matematica 2011, Issue No 1, 66 - 82
Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2010) An Extension of a Polynomial Time Algorithm for the Calculation of the Limit State Matrix in a Random Graph International Journal of Computing Anticipatory Systems, Vo. 25, 92 - 97
Pickl, S.; Kropat, E.; Hahn, H. (2010) The impact of uncertain emission trading markets on interactive resource planning processes and international emission trading experiments Climate Change, Springer Verlag, Vol. 103, Nr. 1-2, 327 - 338
Martynyuk, A.A.; Pickl, S.; Freedman, H.I. (2010) Professor G. Leitmann Nonlinear Dynamics and Systems Theory An International Journal of Research and Surveys, Volume 10, Number 3, 203 - 210
Brandl, B.; Leopold-Wildburger, U.; Mietek, A.; Pickl, S. (2010) How do comission rates influence a firm's success? Statistical analysis of a corporate strategy simulation experiment Central European Journal of Operations Research, Volume 18, 553 - 566
Krabs W.; Pickl S. (2010) An optimal control problem in cancer chemotherapy Applied Mathematics and Computation 217(3): 1117 - 1124
C.41 |
Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2010) Optimal stationary control of discrete processes and an polynomial time algorithm for stochastic control problem on networks ICCS 2010: 1417 - 1426
Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2009) Dynamic Programming Algorithms for Solving Stochastic Discrete Control Problems. International Bulletin of the Academy of Science of Moldova, Number 2 (60), 73 - 90
Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2009) Algorithms for solving discrete optimal control problems with infinite time horizon and determining minimal mean cost cycles in a directed graph as decision support tool Central European Journal of Operations Research, Vol 17, Issue 3, 255 - 264
Hahn, H.; Meyer-Nieberg, S.; Pickl, S. (2009) Electric Load Forecasting Methods: Tools for Decision Making European Journal of Operations Research, Vol. 199, Issue 3, 902 -907
Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2009) Discrete Control and Algorithms for Solving Antagonistic Dynamic Games on Networks Optimization, Vol. 58, Issue 6, 665 - 683
Brandl, B.; Leopold-Wildburger, U.; Pickl, S. (2009) Increasing of the fitness of fundamental exchange rate forecast models. International Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 4, no 13-16, 779 - 798
Ugur, Ö.; Pickl, S.; Weber, G.-W.; Wünschiers, R. (2009) An Algorithmic Approach to Analyze Genetic Networks and Biological Energy Production: An Introduction and Contribution where Operations Research meets Biology, (METU Preprint No. 50), Optimization, Vol. 58, Issue 1, 1 - 22
Grabner, C.; Hahn, H.; Leopold-Wildburger, U.; Pickl, S. (2009) Analyzing the Sustainability of Harvesting Behaviour and the Relationship to Personality Traits in a Simulated Lotka-Volterra Biotope European Journal of Operations Research, Vol. 193, Issue 3, 761 - 767
Dlouhy, M.; Pickl, S.; Rauner, M.S.; Leopold-Wildburger U. (2009) Special Issue on "Innovative Approaches für Decision Analysis in Energy, Health and Life Sciences" CEJOR 17(3): 229 - 231
Pickl, S.; Lozovanu, D. (2008) A Constructive Algorithm for Max-Min Paths Problems on Energy Networks, International Journal for Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 204(2), 602 - 608
Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2008) Intelligent Network Structures and Max-Min Paths Problems International Journal for Computing Anticipatory Systems, Vol. 20, 347 - 359
Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2007) Algorithms and the Calculation of Nash Equilibria for Multi-Objective Control of Time-Discrete Systems and Polynomial-Time Algorithms for Dynamic c-games on Networks European Journal for Operations Research, Vol. 181, 1214 - 1232
Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2007) Algorithms for Solving Multiobjective Discrete Control Problems and Dynamic c-games on Networks International Journal of Discrete Applied Mathematics, Volume 155, Issue 14, 1846 - 1857
Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2006) An approach for an algorithmic solution of discrete optimal control problems and their game-theoretical extension Central European Journal of Operations Research, Vol. 14, Issue 4, 357 - 375
Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2006) Nash Equilibria Conditions for Cyclic Games with p Players Electronic Notes of Discrete Mathematics 25, 123 - 129
Gebert, J.; Lätsch, M.; Pickl, S.; Weber, G.-W.; Wünschiers, R. (2006) An algorithm to analyze stability of gene-expression patterns Discrete Applied Mathematics 154(7): 1140 - 1156
Ergenc, T.; Pickl, S.; Radde, N.; Weber, G.-W. (2005) Generalized Semi-Infinite Optimization and Anticipatory Systems International Journal of Computing Anticipatory Systems, Vol. 15, 3 - 30
Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2005) Nash Equilibria for Multiobjective Control of Time-Discrete Systems and Polynomial-Time Algorithms for k-Partite Networks Central European Journal of Operations Research, Vol. 13, Issue 2, 127 - 146
Akhmet, M.U.; Gebert, J.; Öktem, H.; Pickl, S.; Weber, G.-W. (2005) An Improved Algorithm for Analytical Modeling and Anticipation of Gene Expression Patterns International Journal of Computational Technologies No 4, Vol. 10. , 3 - 20
Akhmet, M.; Pickl, S.; Weber, G.-W. (2005) Multi-Stage Dynamic Games (gemeinsame Spezialausgabe mit “The Bulletin of Kazakh National University” 42,3, Mathematics, Mechanics and Informatics Issue und) International Journal of Computational Technologies, No 9, 18 - 21
Akhmet, M.U.; Gebert, J.; Lätsch, M.; Pickl, S.; Weber, G.-W. and Wünschiers, R. (2005) Algorithmic Computational Biology: Stability Analysis of Gene-Expression Patterns (gemeinsame Spezialausgabe mit “The Bulletin of Kazakh National University” 42,3, Mathematics, Mechanics and Informatics Issue und) International Journal of Computational Technologies, No 9 , 10 - 17
Pickl, S. (2004) Optimization under linear side conditions using inverse monotone matrices Annales d’economie et de statistique, 75-76, 273 - 283
Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2004) Discrete optimal control problems on networks and dynamic games with p players International Bulletin of the Academy of Science of Moldova, ser. Math. 2 (45), 67 - 87
Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2004) A special dynamic programming technique for multi-objective discrete control and for dynamic games on graph-based networks Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 17
Branzei, R.; Dimitrov, D.; Pickl, S.; Tijs, S. (2004) How to cope with division problems under interval uncertainty of claims? International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems Vol 12, No 2, 191 - 200
Krabs, W.; Pickl, S. (2004) A game-theoretic treatment of a time-discrete emission reduction model International Game Theory Review, Vol. 6, No 1, 21 - 34
Pickl, S. (2004) Solving the semi-smooth equivalence problem European Journal of Operations Research 157, 68 - 73
Faigle, U.; Pickl, S.; Broersma, H.; Hurink, J. (2004) Preface: The 1st Cologne-Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization Discrete Applied Mathematics 136(2-3): 159 - 160
Krabs, W.; Pickl, S. (2003) Controllability of a time-discrete dynamical system with the aid of the solution of an approximation problem International Journal of Control Theory and Cybernetics, Vol. 32, No. 1, 57 - 74
Gebert, J.; Pickl, S.; Weber, G.-W.; Wünschiers, R. (2003) Mathematical modeling and approximation in observing and predacting of expression patterns Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 13
Gebert, J.; Lätsch, M.; Pickl, S.; Weber, G.-W.; Wünschiers, R. (2003) Mathematical modeling and discrete approximation in evaluation and forecasting of expression-data Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 13: 52 - 56
Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2003) Polynomial time algorithms for detecting optimal strategies Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, Vol.13
Pickl, S. (2002) On norm - minimal local controllability of time-discrete dynamical systems applying the Kalman condition - an algorithmic approach Journal of Computational Technologies, Vol. 7, Special Issue, 68 - 77
Kropat, E.; Pickl, S.; Rössler, A.; Weber, G.-W. (2002) On theoretical and practical relations between discrete optimization and nonlinear optimization Journal of Computational Technologies Vol. 7, Special Issue, 27 - 62
Pickl, S.; Weber, G.-W. (2002) A note on a time-discrete dynamical system and transversal structures Journal of Computational Technologies, Vol. 7, Special Issue, 78 - 86
Pickl, S. (2001) Convex games and feasible sets in control theory Mathematical Methods of Operations Research Vol. 53, Issue 1, 51 - 66
Pickl, S. (2001) Combinatorial structures of max-type functions characterizing the optimal solution of the equivalence problem Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 8: 72 - 75
Pickl, S.; Weber, G.-W. (2001) Optimization of a time-discrete nonlinear dynamical system from a problem of ecology - an analytical and numerical approach Journal of Computational Technologies Vol. 6, No. 1, 43 - 51
Pickl, S.; Scheffran, J. (2000) Control and game theoretic assessment of climate change - options for Joint-Implementation International Conference on Transition to Advanced Market Institutions and Economies IFAC - International Federation of Automatic Control Annals of Operations Research 97, 203 - 212
Kropat, E.; Pickl, S.; Rössler, A.; Weber, G.-W. (2000) A new algorithm from semi-infinite optimization for a problem of time-minimal control Journal of Computational Technologies No. 5, Vol. 4, 67 - 81
Pickl, S.; Weber, G.-W. (2000) An algorithmic approach by linear programming problems in generalized semi-infinite optimization Journal of Computational Technologies No. 3, Vol. 5, 62 - 82