
Pickl, S.; Azhmyakov, V.; Arango, J.; Bonilla, M.; del Toro, R. (2021)
Robust State Estimations in Controlled ARMA Processes with the Non-Gaussian Noises: Applications to the Delayed Dynamics
In: IFAC papers online
MECC 2021, Austin, vol. 54, issue 20, p. 334 - 339


Pickl, S.; Nistor, S.; Pham, S.; Gaindric, C.; Cojocaru, S. (2020)
A Concise Review of Al-Based Solutions for Mass Casualty Management
In: Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on
Computational & Information Technologies for Risk-Informed Systems
CITRisk 2020, Kherson, Ukraine, 222 - 232


Pickl, S.; Nussbaum, D.; Iftimie, I.; Dupuy, A. (2020)
Cyber as a Hybrid Threat to NATO's Operational Energy Security
20th European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security
ECCWS 2020, Academic Conferences and publishing ltd., p. 98 


Pickl, S.; Barbeito,G.; Budde, D.; Moll, M.; Thiebes, B. (2020)
A hybrid al and simulation-based Optimization DSS for Post-Disaster Logistics
International Conference on Security and Management
SAM '20, Las Vegas, 245 - 259


Pickl, S.; Moll, M.; Bein, W.; Barbeito, G. (2020)
Deterministic and Stochastic Simulation:
A Combined Approach to Passenger Routing in Railway Systems

International Conference of the German Operations Research Society
GOR 2019, Dresden, 659 - 665


Pickl, S.; Moll, M.; Sander, J.; Kuwertz, A. (2020)
A System Approach for Early Warning in Crisis Prevention and Management
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on
Human Systems Engineering and Design
IHSED 2019, Munich, 517 - 522


Pickl, S.; Lozovanu, D. (2020)
On the existence of stationary nash equilibria in average stochastic games with finite state and action spaces
14th International Conference GTM 2020, Moskau, volume 13, 304 - 323


Pickl, S.; Nistor, S.; Cao, V.L.; Pham, S.; Gaindric, C.; Cojocaru, S. (2020)
Introducing an al-based response framework for mass casualty management
Proceedings WIIS 2020, Chisinau, Moldawien, 125 - 130

D.129 Pickl, S.; Anuar, W.; Moll, M.; Lee, L.; Seow, H. (2019)
Vehicle Routing Optimization for Humanitarian Logistics in Disaster Recovery:
A Survey
Proceedings of the International Conference on Security & Management
SAM '19, Las Vegas, 161 - 166
D.128 Pickl, S.; Wang, Z. (2019)
A variational inequality approach to optimal control problems with joint constraints
Selected papers of the
Annual International Conference of the German Operations Research Society
GOR 2018, Brüssel, Belgien, 505 - 510
D.127 Pickl, S.; Block, J. (2019)
OR Control Towers:
A Concept for Optimizing the Performance of Complex Adaptive Operating Systems

Selected papers of the Annual International conference of the German Operations Research Society
GOR 2018, Brüssel, Belgien, 491 - 497
D.126 Pickl, S.; Lozovanu, D. (2019)
Pure and Mixed Stationary Strategies for Stochastic Positional Games
Proceedings of IMCS-55 2019:
The Fifth Conference of Mathematical Society; Moldawien, 203 - 206



Pickl, S.; Moll, M.; Jahnen, S.; Dally, M. (2019)
Analysis and Optimization of the Resilience Enhancement Circle via Data Farming
6th International Conference
MESAS 2019, Palermo, Italy, 299 - 305


Essendorfer, B.; Sander, J., Nistor, S.; Hoffmann, A.; Pickl, S. (2019)
Distributed data and Information management for crisis forecasting and management
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on
Human Systems Engineering and Design
IHSED 2019, Munich, 813 - 819


Jahnen, S.; Pickl, S. (2019)
Information Exchange Diagrams for Information Systems and
Artificial Intellegence in the Context of Decision Support Systems

MESAS 2018, 393 - 401


Pickl, S.; Cimpoesu, D.; Cojocaru, S.; Gaindric, C. (2018)
A concept for a decision support framework for the management of complex mass casualty situations at distribution points
Proceedings of the Conference on the Mathematical Foundations of Informatics
MFOI 2018, Chisinau, Moldawien


Barbeito, G.; Moll, M.; Pickl, S.; Zsifkovits, M. (2018)
A macroscopic system dynamics model for a generic airport
Proceedings of the International Conference for Operations Research
OR 2016: 561 - 566

D.120 Azhmyakov, V.; Verriest; Guzman Trujillo, L.A.; Pickl, S. (2018)
On the optimal control of multidimensíonal dynamic
systems evolving with state suprema
Proceedings of the 57th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
CDC 2017, Miami, USA, pp. 61 - 66

Raap, M.; Pickl, S.; Moll, M.; Bordetsky, A. (2018)
Decision support for wide area search in a radiological threat scenario -
for intelligent reachback using complex DSS architectures
Modelling and Simulation for Autonomous Systems
MESAS 2017: Conference Proceedings 303 - 313


Barbeito, G.; Kluge, U.; Urban, M.; Moll, M.; Zsifkovits, M.; Plötner, K.; Pickl, S. (2018)
The european air transport system:
A methodological perspective on system dynamics modeling
Proceedings of the International Conference for Operations Research
OR 2017: 609 - 615


Wang Z.; Pickl, S. (2018)
A Galerkin method for the dynamic Nash equilibrium problem with shared constraint
Proceedings of the International Conference for Operations Research
OR 2017: 609 - 615


Pickl, S.; Gerschberger, M. (2018)
Threat Analysis and Resilience of Complex Supply Chains - Urban Analytics
Think Executive Summit: Digital Transformation of Supply Chains (2018, Singapur)
Think Executive White Papers Series: 36 - 40


Pickl, S.; Zsifkovits, M; (2017)
Inter-modular Infrastructure and Complex Supply Chains:
Risk Assessment and Agile Management Cockpits for Executive Decision Makers

Think Executive White Paper Series: 42 - 44


Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2017)
Determining Nash Equilibria for stochastic positional games with discounted payoffs
Algorithmic Decision Theory
ADT 2017: Conference proceedings 339 - 343


Nistor, S.; Bein, D.; Bein, W.; Dehmer, M.; Pickl, S. (2017)
Time-based estimation of vulnerable points in the Munich subway network
Proceedings of the International Conference for Operations Research


Nistor, M.S.; Zsifkovits, M.; Pickl, S. (2017)
A Visual Analytics Technique for Identifying Heat Spots in Transportation Networks
The 7th International Multi-Conference on Complexity, Informatics and Cybernetics:
IMCIC 2016, Orlando, FL, USA, Proceedings of IMCIC, 145-150 (2016) and
Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics 14 (6), 72 - 77


Nussbaum, D.A.; Dupuy, A.C.; Nistor, M.S.; Pickl, S. (2016)
The Nexus Between Cyber Security and Energy  Security
15th European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security, Munich, Germany
ECCWS 2016, 228 - 236


Zsifkovits, M.; Barbeito, G.; Pauli, G.; Pickl, S. (2016)
System Dynamics Modeling for Analyzing Business Model Innovation
1st International Conference on Business Management of Technology, Kumamoto, Japan
IIAI-AAI2016: 749 - 754


Zsifkovits, M.; Pickl, S. (2016)
Strategic Risk Management in Counter-Terrorism for the Railbound Public Transport
In: 2016 International Conference on Security & Management, Las Vegas, USA 77-82


Raap, M.; Moll, M.; Zsifkovits, M.; Pickl, S. (2016)
Utilizing Dual Information for Moving Target Search Trajectory Optimization
Student Conform on Operational Research
SCOR 2016: 1:1-1:10


Zsivkovits, M.; Wang, Z.; Nistor, M.S.; Pickl, S. (2016)
Complex System Analysis using Graph Theory -
Identifying Criticality in Transportation Networks

11th Future Security - Security Research Conference,
Berlin, Germany 2016, 509 - 511


Zsifkovits, M.; Pickl, S. (2016)
Agent Based Modelling for Critical Infrastructure Protection -
Modelling Attack Scenarios in the Public Transport

In: 11th Future Security - Security Research Conference, Berlin, Germany, 2016, 509-512


Azhmyakov, V.; Bonilla, M.; Trujillo, L.A.; Pickl, S. (2016)
Constructive Approximations of the Zeno-Dynamics in Affine Switched Systems:
The Projection Based Approach
In: Proceedings 2016 American Control Conference (ACC)
Boston, AACC, 5175 - 5180


Azhmyakov, V.; Fernandez-Gutierrez, J.P.; Gadi, S.K.; Pickl, S. (2016)
A Novel Numerical Approach to the MCLP Based Resilient Supply Chain Optimization
In: Proceedings of the 12th IFAC Workshop on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems
Wien, IFAC, 145 - 150


Teodorescu, H.-N.; Pickl, S. (2016)
Properties and Use of a Resilience Index in Desaster Preparation and Response
In: Proceedings Technologies for Homeland Security (HST) 2016 IEEE
Int. Symp. Technologies for Homeland Security, HST USA, 1 - 6


Azhmyakov, V.; Bonilla, M.E.; Guzman Trujillo, L.A.; Pickl S. (2016)
Constructive approximations of the Zeno dynamics in affine switched systems:
the projection based approach
in Proceedings of the 2016 American Control Conference, Boston, USA, 2016,
pp. 5175 - 5180


Azhmyakov, V.; Fernandez-Gutierrez, J.P.; Gadi, S.K.; Pickl S. (2016)
A novel numerical approach to the MCLP based resilient supply chain optimization
in: Proceedings of the 12th IFAC Workshop on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems,
Austin, USA, 2016, pp. 145 - 150


Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2016)
Determining the optimal strategies for zerso-sum average stochastic positional games
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 55: 155 - 159


Dehmer, M.; Wang, Z.; Pickl, S. (2015)
A Short Survey on Statistical Network Analysis
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on
Foundations of Computer Science (FCS)
San Diego, CA, CSREA Press, 110 - 112


Azhmyakov, V.; Juarez, R.; Pickl, S. (2015)
On the local convexity of the singular optimal control problems associated with the
switched-mode dynamic systems
Proceedings of the 16th IFAC Workshop on Control Applications in Optimization,
Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, 2015, pp. 271 - 276


Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2015)
Determining Nash equilibria for dynamic positional games on networks
Proceedings of the 12th Cologne-Twente Workshop on
Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization
CTW 2015: 153 - 156


Block, J.; Pickl, S. (2014)
A Human Resource Model for Performance Optimization to
Gain Competition Advantage

In: Huisman, D. et. al. (Eds.)
Proceedings of the International Conference for Operations Research
OR 2013 (Selected Papers), Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer Verlag, 43 - 48


Hu, B.; Leopold, A.; Pickl, S. (2014)
IT-based decision support for turning on germany's energy transition
Proceedings of the International Conference for Operations Research
OR 2012: 449 - 454


Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2014)
Determining Nash Equilibria for Stochastic Positional Games with Average Payoffs
In: Academy of Science Moldowa (Eds.) Proceedings IMCS-50
The Third Conference of Mathematical Society of the Republic of Moldowa, 378 - 381


Wiens, M.; Hu, B.; Schmitz, W.; Meng, S.; Pickl, S. and Schultmann, F. (2014)
Optimizing Security vis-à-vis Terrorist Attacks: 
An Application for Public Rail Transport Systems

Proceedings of the 9th Future Security, Security Research Conference,
Thoma, K. et. al. (Eds.), 254 - 262


Preuss, M.; Dehmer, M. and Pickl, S. (2014)
An Improved Graph-Based Decision Support Approach Employing Graph Measures
In: Proceedings of the 2014 Networking and Electronic Commerce Research Conference
NAEC 2014, 81 - 84


Nistor, S.; Pickl, S. and Dehmer, M. (2014)
From Visual Analytics for Complex Networks: 
A Concise Review on Information Overload Problem in Crisis Situations

In: Proceedings of the 2014 Networking and Electronic Commerce Research Conference
NAEC 2014, 170 - 177


Hu, B.; Leopold, A.; Pickl, S. (2014)
IT-Based Decision Support for Turning on Germany's Energy Transition
The Impact of the Nord.Link: Complex Decision Support with System Dynamics;

Proceedings of the International Conference for Operations Research
OR 2012 (Selected Papers), Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer Verlag, 449 - 455


Block, J.; Pickl, S. (2014)
A human resource model for performance optimization to gain competitive advantage
Proceedings of the International Conference for Operations Research
OR 2013: 43 - 48


Preda, A.; Rönnkö, M.; Pickl, S. and Kolehmainen, M. (2013)
GIS-Based Route Planning for HAZMAT Transportation
In: Hrebicek, J. et. al. (Eds.)
Environmental Software Systems - Fostering Information Shareing
10th IFIP International Symposium, ISESS 2013, Proceedings, 357 - 366


Pickl, S.; Meyer-Nieberg, S.; Kropat, E.; Görgülü, K.; Thu Ha, V.T.; Weber, I. (2013)
RIKOV - Strategic Planning and Intelligent Scenario Development for the
Security of Public Transport - Risk Analysis of Terrorist Threats to
Rail-Bound Public Transportation with Efficient Measures

In: Lauster, M. (Ed)
Proceedings of the 8th Future Security - Security Research Conference 2013, 384 - 392


Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2013)
Optimal Paths in Networks with Rated Transition Their Costs
In: Cornelissen, K. et al. (Eds)
Proceedings of the 12th Cologne-Twente Workshop on
Graphs and Combinatorial Optimzation
CTW 2013, 165  - 168


Pickl, S.; Lozovanu, D. (2013)
Stochastic Positional Games and Their Applications for Studying Shapley Stochastic Games
Proceedings of the 2013 Networking and Electronic Commerce Research Conference
NAEC 2013, 101 - 104


de Cosmis, S.; de Leone, R.; Kropat, E.; Meyer-Nieberg, S.; Pickl, S. (2013)
Electric Load Forecasting using Support Vector Machines for Robust Regression
Proceedings of the 2013 Spring Simulation Multiconference Symposium 2013
EAIA 2013 Simulation Series, 72 - 79


Meyer-Nieberg, S.; Kropat, E.; Pickl, S. (2013)
Evolutionary particle filters: Model-free object tracking-combining
evolution strategies and particle filters

Proceedings of ICORES 2013,
2nd International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems, 96 - 102


Meyer-Nieberg, S.; Kropat, E.; Pickl, S.; Bordetsky, A. (2013)
Intercepting a target with sensor swarms
Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
HICSS 2013, 1222 - 1230


Bordetsky, A.; Pickl, S.; Reynolds, B. (2013)
Introduction to network DSS:
Decision support in the collaborative environment of
mobile social and sensor networks minitrack
Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
HICSS 2013: 1211


de Cosmis, S.; de Leone, R.; Kropat, E.; Meyer-Nieberg, S.; Pickl, S.; Rosati, J. (2012)
Electric load forecasting: an experimental comparison
Proceedings of the 12th Cologne-Twente Workshop on
Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization
CTW 2012: 100 - 103


Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2012)
Special Saddle Point Conditions for Max-Min Discrete Control Problems and
Algorithms for Determining the Optimal Strategies,

Control Applications of Optimization, Volume 15, Part 1, 12 - 13


Hu, B.; Kuhn, T.; Leopold, A.; Pickl, S.; Wellbrink, J. (2012)
Operation Contracting for Training Facilities: A System Dynamics Modeling Approach
Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Acquisition Research Symposium (NPS), 381 - 389


Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2012)
Determining the Optimal Strategies for Atagonistic Positional Games in
Markov Decision Processes

Proceedings of the International Conference of Operations Research
OR 2011: Selected Papers, 229 - 234


Kropat, E.; Meyer-Nieberg, S.; Pickl S. (2012)
Adapting Sensor Networks for Surveillance and Tracking
Proceedings of the 2012 Networking and Electronic Commerce Research Conference
NAEC 2012, 6 - 9


Bordetsky, A.; Kropat, E.; Meyer-Nieberg, S.; Pickl, S. (2012)
Target-Lost: An Interception Game on Graphs
Proceedings of the 2012 Networking and Electronic Commerce Research Conference
NAEC 2012, 170 - 173


Pickl, S. (2012)
Simulation and Optimization of Cascading Effects -
Strategic Multilayered Risk Management

"Integrative Risk Management in a Changing World - Pathways to a Resilient Society"
Extended Abstracts, 574 - 577


Cayirci, E.; Nabil, A.;  Pickl, S.; Shumaker, R.; Sullivan, J.; Tolk, A.; Wait, W.; (2012)
Defense and Security Applications of Modeling and Simulation -
Grand Challenges and Current Efforts

Proceedings of the 2012 Winter Simulation Conference, 210:1-210:15


Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2012)
Nash Equilibria Conditions for Stochastic Cyclic Games on Networks,
Proceedings of the 11th Cologne-Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization
CTW 2012, Proceedings 185 - 189


Barth, R. Meyer-Nieberg, S., Pickl, S., Wellbrink, J. (2012)
A Toolbox for Operational Analysis,
Proceedings of the 2012 Spring Simulation Multiconference,
Emerging M&S Applications in Industry and Academia,

Symposium 2012-EAIA 2012,
Simulation Series Volume 44 Number 5, 102 - 109


Mihelcic, G.; Hu, Bo; Pickl, S. (2012)
A Service-Oriented Approach to Efficient Decision Support
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on
Operations Research and Enterprise Systems,

(Posterpresentation at ICORES 2012)
Vilamocera, Algarve, Portugal, 215 - 218


Nuhn, E.; Kropat, E.; Reinhardt, W.; Pickl, S. (2012)
Preparation of Complex Landslide Simulation Results with
Clustering Approaches for Decision Support and Early Warning

Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
HICSS, 2012, January, 4-7, Maui, Hawaii 2012, 1089 - 1096


Löchel, A.; Mihelcic, G.; Pickl, S. (2012)
An Open Source Approach for a Military Situational Awareness System
Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
HICSS, 2012, January, 4-7, Maui, Hawaii 2012, 1462 - 1471


Tolk, A., Cayirci, E., Shumaker, R., Adam, N., Pickl, S., Sullivan, J., Waite, W. (2012)
Defense and security applications of modeling and simulation -
grand challenges and current efforts

Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference 2012: 210, 1-15


Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2011)
Optimal Control of Discrete Processes and Dynamic Games with Discounted Costs,
Advances in Multiagent Systems, Robotics and Cybernetics, Volume V,  

Proceedings of the Jochen Pfalzgraf Memorial Symposium (5th Symposium on Multiagent Systems, Robotics and Cybernetics),
the 23rd International Conference on Systems Research,  
Informatics and Cybernetics, InterSymp-2011, Baden-Baden, Germany, 39 - 44


Pickl, S.; Lozovanu, D. (2011)
A Linear Programming Approach for Solving the
Discounted Stochastic Optimal Control Problem on Certain Networks

Proceedings of the Network and Electronic Commerce Research
Conference NAEC 2011,
Riva del Garda, 20 - 22


Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S.; Kropat, E. (2011)
Markov Decision Processes and Determining Equilibria for Stochastic Positional Games,
Proceedings of the 18th IFAC World Congress 2011,
Volume #18, 13398 - 13403


Dupuy, A.; Izshutkin, V.; Pickl, S. and Tschiedel, R. (2011)
Judgment Based Analysis via an Interactive Learning Software
for Modern Operations Research Education and Training

Proceedings of the International Conference for Operations Research (Selected Papers),
Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 623 - 628


Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2011)
Discounted markov decision processes and algorithms for solving
stochastic control problems on networks,

Proceedings of the 10th Cologne-Twente Workshop on Graphs and
Combinatorial Optimization CTW 2011, Villa Mondragone, 194 - 197


Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2011)
Determining the optimal strategies for antagonistic positional games in markov decision processes
Proceedings of the International Conference of Operations Research
OR 2011: 229 - 234


Hu, B.; Leopold, A. Pickl, S.; Vetter, H.-R. (2010)
Is Flexibility in a Professional Career Being Rewarded?
An Agent-Based Simulation Proceedings of the Symposium on Multiagent Systems,
Robotics and Cybernetics;

The 22nd International Conference on Systems Research, Informatics and Cybernetics
InterSymp-2010, Baden-Baden, 13 - 18


Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2010)
Optimal Stationary Control of  Discrete Processes and a
Polynominal Time Algorithm for Stochastic Control Problems on Networks

International Conference on Computational Science, ICCS 2010.


Mihelcic, G.; Pickl, S. (2010)
Service-Oriented Architectures and Project Optimization for a Special Cost Management Problem Creating Synergies for Informed Change between Qualitative and Quantitative Strategic Management Processes
Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Acquisition Research Symposium,
Volume II, 476 - 485


Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S.; Schuler, M. (2010)
An Extension of a Polynominal Time Algorithm for the Calculation
of the Limit State Matrix in a Random Graph

International Journal of Computing Anticipatory Systems, IJCAS, Volume 25


Hu, B.; Pickl, S. (2010)
Analysis and Design of International Emission Trading Markets
Applying System Dynamic Techniques

AIP Conference Proceedings on Computing Anticipatory Systems,
Volume 1303, 408 - 415


Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2010)
Determining the optimal stationary strategies for discounted Stochastic
optimal control problems on networks

Proceedings of the 9th CTW 2010 Cologne Twente Workshops on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization, Cologne
CTW 115 - 118


Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2010)
Determining the optimal stationary strategies of players for stochastic positional games
Proceedings of the 2010 Networking and Electronic Commerce Research Conference
NAEC 2010, Riva del Garda, 71 - 73


Bordetsky, A.; Pickl, S., Stanikov, R.; Stanikov, A. (2010)
Decision Support for Tactical Man-Machine Networking: A Multiple Criteria Approach
Proceedings of the 2010 Networking and Electronic Commerce Research Conference
NAEC 2010, Riva del Garda, 66 - 71


Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2010)
A Linear Programming Approach for Solving the Discounted Stochastic Optimal Control Problem on Certain Networks
Proceedings of the 2010 Networking and Electronic Commerce Research Conference
NAEC 2010, Riva del Garda, 1 - 3


Arto, K.; Hu, B.; Pickl, S.; Yüksel, E. (2009)
Does international emissions trading help all participants reduce income loss?
A system dynamics and agent-based simulation
Proceedings of the Symposium on Multiagent Systems, Robotics and Cybernetics;
The 21st International Conference on Systems Research, Informatics and Cybernetics
InterSymp-2009, Baden-Baden, 49 - 56


Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2009)
An Algorithm for Solving Discrete Optimal Control Problems with Infinite Time Horizon-Determining the Minimal Mean Cost Cycles in a Directed Graph.
Proceedings of CAO’09 IFAC Workshop on Control Applications of Optimization.
Control Applications of Optimization, Volume 7, Part 1


Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2009)
Algorithms for Solving Stochastic Discrete Control Problems with Finite Time Horizon.
Proceedings of CAO’09 IFAC Workshop on Control Applications of Optimization.
Control Applications of Optimization, Volume 7, Part 1


Gebert, J.; Öktem, H.; Pickl, S.; Radde, N.; Weber, G.-W. (2009)
Inference of Gene Expression Patterns by Using a Hybrid System Formulation:
An Algorithmic Approach to Local State Transition Matrices.

Anticipative and Predictive Models in Science, Vol. I, 63-66


Statnikov, R.; Pickl, S.; Bordetsky, A. (2009)
Search for Compromise Solutions in Problems with Contradictory Criteria:
PSI Method and MOVI Software System

Proceedings of the 2009 Networking and Electronic Commerce Research Conference
NAEC 2009, Riva del Garda, 222 - 227


Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2009)
Algorithms for Solving Stochastic Discrete Control Problems with
Finite Time Horizon-The Time Expanded Network Method

Proceedings of the 2009 Networking and Electronic Commerce Research Conference
NAEC 2009, Riva del Garda, 27 - 30


Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2009)
Algorithmic Solutions of Discrete Control Problems on Stochastic Networks
Proceedings of the Cologne Twente Workshop CTW 2009 on Graphs and
Combinatorial Optimization, Paris, 221 - 224


Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2009)
Algorithms for Solving Discrete Optimal Control Problems with Infinite Time Horizon via Minimal Cost Cycles and a Game-Theoretical Approach
Operations Research Proceedings 2008 (Selected Papers),
Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 513 - 518


Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2008)
Algorithmic Decision Theory within Discrete Complex Networks,
in:   Annales du Lamsade, Proceedings of the Dimacs-Lamsade Workshop
on Algorithmic Decision Theory No 9, 165 - 170


Bugheanu, R.; Dumitrascu, M.; Mihelcic, G.; Pickl, S. (2008)
Monitoring and Controlling an International Experiment:
Optimization of Sensor Allocation and Operations in MIO Scenarios.

Proceedings of the 2008 Networking and Electronic Commerce
Research Conference NAEC 2008, Riva del Garda, 362 - 371


Pickl, S. (2008)
Control of Biosystems Modelling, Analysis and Optimization in
Biology and Medicine
International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technological Innovation,

Florida (USA), Short Abstract, Proceedings, 220


Dupuy, A.; Mihelcic, G.; Pickl, S. (2008)
Decision Support Management within the Analysis of Critical Infrastructures
(CRISYS- Critical Infrastructures and System Analysis):
An IT-based Integral Management of Critical Infrastructures

International Disaster and Risk Conference, IDRC Davos 2008,
Editor W. Ammann, Short Abstract, 381 - 382


Feyer, R.; Leopold-Wildburger, U.; Pickl, S., (2008)
The Influence of Social Values in Cooperation
Operations Research Proceedings 2007 (Selected Papers),
OR 2007: Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 205 - 210


Leopold-Wildburger, U.; Pickl, S. (2008)
Interactive resource planning - an anticipative concept in
the simulation based decision support system EXPOSIM

AIP Conference Proceedings on Computing Anticipatory Systems, 255 - 265

D. 37

Feyer, R.; Leopold-Wildburger, U.; Pickl, S. (2008)
The influence of social values in cooperation
Proceedings of the International Conference of Operations Research
OR 2007: 205 - 210


Pickl, S. (2007)
Intelligent Networks and Security Structures (INESS) -
Strategic Management and Process Optimization within International Resource Conflicts

Advances in Multiagent Systems, Robotics and Cybernetics, 47 - 52


Hahn, H.; Pickl, S. (2007)
Interactive Resource Planning Processes and International Experiments within
Uncertain Emission Trading Markets,

Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Uncertainty in Greenhouse Gas
Inventories, International Institute for Applied System Analysis (IIASA, Laxenburg)-
System Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences, 85 - 96


Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2007)
Multiobjective hierarchical control of time-discrete systems and
determining Stackelberg strategies

Proceedings of the 6th Cologne-Twente Workshop on
Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization (Twente)
CTW 111 - 114


Leopold-Wildburger, U.; Meyer-Nieberg, S.; Pickl, S.; Schütze, J. (2007)
A Simulation Application for Predator Prey Systems
Operations Research Proceedings 2006 (Selected Papers), 233 - 238
OR 2006: Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Verlag


Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2006)
Multilayered decision problems
Annales du Lamsade, Proceedings of the Dimacs

Lamsade Workshop on Voting Theory and Preferrence Modelling (Paris),
No. 6, 273 - 278


Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S., (2006)
Nash equilibria conditions for cyclic games with p players
Proceedings of the 5th Cologne-Twente Workshop on
Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization (Lambrecht)
CTW 96 - 101


Lozovanu, D.;Pickl, S. (2006)
Nash equilibria conditions for cyclic games with p players
Electronic notes in discrete mathematics 25: 123 - 129


Tastan, M.; Pickl S.; Weber, G.-W. (2006)
Challenges in the optimization of biosystems II:
Mathematical modeling and stability analysis of gene-expression
patterns in an extended space and with runge-kutta discretization

Operations Research Proceedings 2005 (Selected Papers),
OR 2005: Berlin, Heidelberg; Springer Verlag, 443 - 450


Mues, C.; Pickl, S. (2005)
Transhipment and time-windows in vehicle routing
Proceedings of International Symposium of Parallel Architectures,
Algorithms and Networks I-SPAN2005, Las Vegas Nevada, 113 - 118


Tastan, M.; Ergenc T. E.; Pickl S.; Weber G.-W. (2005)
Stability analysis of gene expression patterns by dynamical systems and
a combinatorial algorithm, HIBIT

Proceedings of the International Symposium on Health Informatics and
Bioinformatics, Turkey 2005, Antalya, 67 -75


Marat, A.; Öktem, H.; Pickl, S.; Weber, G.-W. (2005)
An anticipatory extension of malthusian models
Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Computing
Anticipatory Systems - CASYS2005 Conference, Liège, 260-264


Pickl, S. (2005)
Algorithmic design and experimental evaluation of emission trading markets
Proceedings of the Joint Workshop on Decision Support Systems,
Experimental  Economics & e-Participation, Graz 2005, 130


Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2005)
Algorithmic solutions for discrete optimal control problems on networks and
its game-theoretic extension

Proceedings of the Cologne Twente Workshop CTW2005
on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization, Cologne
CTW 84 - 89


Pickl, S. (2004)
An Algorithmic Solution for an Optimal Decision Making Process
within Emission Trading Markets

Annales du Lamsade No.3, Laboratoire d’Analyse et Modélisation de Systèmes
pour l’Aide à la Décision, Proceedings of the DIMACS-LAMSADE
Workshop on Computer Science and Decision Theory, 267-278


Deissenberg, C.; Pickl, S. (2004)
An Algorithmic Solution to the Kyoto Game
In: Yu.L. Sachkov, Ed., Generalized Solutions in Control Problems
IFAC, Fizmatlit, Moscow, 343-351


Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. and  Weber, G.-W. (2004)
Optimization, monotonicity and the determination of Nash-equilibria
An algorithmic analysis Computing Anticipatory Systems:
CASYS 2003 – Sixth Int. Conference, AIP Conference Proceedings, 351-361


Gebert, J.; Lätsch, M.; Pickl, S.; Weber, G.-W. and Wünschiers, R. (2004)
Genetic networks and anticipation of gene expression patterns
Computing Anticipatory Systems: CASYS 2003 - Sixth Int. Conference
AIP Conference Proceedings 718, 474-485


Ergenc. T. E.; Pickl, S.; Radde, N.; Weber, G.-W. (2004)
On the topology of generalized semi-infinite optimisation and anticipatory systems
International Journal of Computing Anticipatory Systems Vol. 15, 3 - 30


Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2004)
A special dynamic programming technique for mutliobjective discrete control and
for dynamic games on graph-based networks

Electronic notes in discrete mathematics 17: 209 - 214


Krabs, W., Pickl, S. (2004)
A game-theoretic treatment of a time-discrete emission reduction model
International Game Theory Review
IGTR 6(1): 21 - 34


Lozovanu, D., Pickl, S. (2004)
A special dynamic programming technique for multiobjective discrete control and for dynamic games on graph-based networks
Proceedings of the 12th Cologne-Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization
CTW 2004: 184 - 188


Gebert, J.; Pickl, S.; Shokina, N.; Weber, G.-W.; Wünschiers, R.  (2003)
Towards DNA-Chip Analysis and discrete tomography by
inverse problems  and optimization

Proceedings of the 4th MATHMOD, Vienna. Eds.
I. Troch & F. Breitenecker. AGRESIM-Verlag, 1298 - 1302


Meyer-Nieberg, S.; Pickl, S. (2003)
Simulation eines CO2-Zertifikatenhandels und
algorithmische Optimierung von Investitionen

Operations Research Proceedings 2002 (Selected Papers) 471 - 474
OR 2012: Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Verlag


Gebert, J., Lätsch, M., Pickl, S., Weber, G., Wünschiers, R. (2003)
Mathematical modeling and discrete approximation in evaluation and
forecasting of expression-data

Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 13: 52 - 56 (2003)


Lozovanu., D., Pickl, S. (2003)
Polynomial time algorithms for determining optimal strategies
Electronic notes in discrete mathematics 13: 64 - 68


Gebert, J.; Pickl, S.; Shokina, N.; Weber, G.-W. and Wünschiers, R. (2002)
Algorithmic analysis of expression data with polyhedral structures
5 th Workshop of Similarity Methods, Proceedings, 79 - 88


Pickl, S. (2002)
An iterative solution to the nonlinear time-discrete TEM-model -
the occurrence of chaos and a control theoretic approach

Computing Anticipatory Systems: CASYS 2001-Fifth Int. Conference
AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 627, 196 - 205


Mues, C.; Pickl, S. (2002)
Pickup- and Delivery Probleme mit Umlademöglichkeit -
ein Tourenplanungsproblem aus der Automobilzulieferindustrie

Operations Research Proceedings 2001 (Selected Papers) 33 - 40
OR 2001: Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Verlag.


Pickl, S.; Weber, G.-W. (2002)
Optimal control of heating processes with special emphasis on earth warming
Operations Research Proceedings 2001 (Selected Papers) 247 - 254
OR 2001: Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Verlag.


Pickl, S. (2002)   
Process-identification and optimization of technical investments with TEMPI
Operations Research Proceedings 2001 (Selected Papers) 321 - 328
OR 2001: Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag


Meyer-Nieberg, S.;Pickl, S. (2001)
Simulation eines CO 2-Zertifikatenhandels und algorithmische Optinmierung von Investitionen
Operations Research Proceedings 2002 (Selected Papers)
OR 2002: 471 - 473


Pickl, S. (2001)
Optimization of the TEM Model - co-funding and joint international emissions trading
Operations Research Proceedings 2000 (Selected Papers)
OR 2000: 113- 118 Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Verlag


Pickl, S. (2001)
Cominatorial structures of max-type functions characterizing the
optimal solution of the equivalence problem

Electronic notes in discrete mathematics 8: 72 - 75 (2001)


Pickl, S. (2000)
Controllability via an approximation problem.
Proceedings of the 3rd MATHMOD VIENNA 2000, 799 - 802


Pickl, S. (1998)
Implementation and verification of a Joint-Implementation program
62. Physikertagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft
Regensburg 1998, DPG - Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft,
Proceedings, 168 - 174


Pickl, S.; Scheffran, J. (1998)
A dynamic-game model of cooperation in energy and climate change 
International Conference on Supplementary Ways for  Improving International Stability.
Bucharest 1998, IFAC - International Federation of Automatic Control, 
Proceedings, 38 - 41