CODE Colloquium: Sereum - Protecting Existing Smart Contracts Against Re-Entrancy Attacks

13. 03. 2019 | 18.00 Uhr - 18.45 Uhr

Prof. Dr. Lucas Davi, Universität Duisburg-Essen 


Recently, a number of existing blockchain systems have witnessed major bugs and vulnerabilities within smart contracts. Although the literature features a number of proposals for securing smart contracts, these proposals mostly focus on proving the correctness or absence of a certain type of vulnerability within a contract, but cannot protect deployed (legacy) contracts from being exploited. In this talk, we present Sereum (Secure Ethereum) which protects deployed contracts in a backwards compatible way based on run-time monitoring and validation. We also study new re-entrancy attack patterns that have been overlooked by previous on smart contract bug detection.


Lucas Davi is an assistant professor for secure software systems at University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany. He received his PhD from TU Darmstadt in computer science. His research focus includes aspects of system security, software security, and trusted computing, especially software exploitation techniques and defenses. He received best paper awards at DAC, ACM ASIACCS, and IEEE Security and Privacy. His PhD thesis on code-reuse attacks and defenses has been awarded the ACM SIGSAC Dissertation Award 2016.


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Forschungsinstitut CODE
CODE Colloquium
Auditorium Forschungsinstitut CODE, Carl-Wery-Straße 18., 81739 München
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