ADAPTNOW - ADAPTation Capacity Strengthening for Highly Affected and Exposed Territories in the Alps NOW

Project management:        Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Malcherek, Dr.-Ing. Ivo Baselt

Project engineer:                  Henrik Schmieder, Dr.-Ing. Ivo Baselt 

                                                      E-mail:, Tel.: 089/6004-3844

Running time:                       01.11.2022 - 31.10.2025

Promotion:                              European Commission, EU Regional Development Fund

                                                      Total eligible costs Project: 2.034.650 €, of which 75% ERDF grants of the total costs

                                                      Total eligible costs for UniBwM: 217.790€

                                                      Funded ERDF costs: 163.342,50€

Cooperation partner:        Research Center RISK

Project partner:                   

      Germany:     Energy and Environmental Centre Allgäu

           France:     Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Energie-Environnement;

                       National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment;

                               Grenoble-Alps Metropole

               Italy:      Regional Agency for Infrastructure development, building Renovation and Energy of Liguria;

                               EURAC Research;

                               iiSBE Italia R&D;

                               Municipality of Genoa

         Austria:      Energy Institute Vorarlberg

      Slovenia:      Energy Agency of Podravje – Institution for Sustainable Energy Use;

                              Municipality Selnica ob Dravi

Further links:                      Homepage ADAPTNOW 

                                                     Partner meeting AdaptNow 2024

Project description:  

In the future, recurring disasters related to climate change will affect nature and people in the Alpine region even more strongly and unpredictably than today. In order to cope with unpredictable climate events, ADAPTNOW is working on strengthening the adaptive capacity of highly affected and exposed areas. To this end, the project partners are implementing and evaluating the available tools and practices for climate adaptation and risk reduction. By bringing together different local actors, such as regional sectoral agencies and research centers, ADAPTNOW aims to make risk and adaptation planning more integrated, collaborative and inclusive.



Photo credit Aymeric Voyez