Digitalization and networked value creation shape today's business environments. In these environments, organizational boundaries are blurring and organizations collaborate to jointly cope with the increased environmental dynamism and pressure to innovate. In the private sector, small and medium-sized enterprises have a particularly strong tendency to engage in interorganizational networks. These networks (so-called innovation networks, inter-firm cooperation, regional clusters) are called organizational forms of the future. We are interested in investigating the phenomenon "interorganizational networking" at different levels of analysis:

  1. At the network level, we analyze, for instance, the design, governance, and functioning of (regional) innovation networks. These network features inform us about their business model and the value that is created within the network for the incumbent companies.
  2. At the company level, we analyze, for instance, how companies strategically use network relationships to enhance their own agility, enabling them to better master challenges posed by digitalization or other environmental factors.
  3. At the individual level, we use (socio-)psychological theories to analyze, for instance, the antecedents (e.g., identification with the network) and consequences (e.g., effects on well-being and individual performance) of interorganizational networking.