As part of this Social BRIDGES initiative, half-day workshops will be held to allow for a deeper discussion centered around related themes. The proposed workshops are expected to take place between the 20.11.2020 and 20.12.2020. If you have a suggestion for a different theme, please do not hesitate to contact us and let us know if you would like to be involved in organising this separate online event.
Coordinating and creating things together
From dance, to music, to script writing, one can describe the many ways in which humans interact in terms of coordination. While becoming aligned in time and space, coordinating our thoughts and our actions, we may create something together. In this half day workshop, we will explore what unifies these creative, coordinated activities unique to our species. Do other animals dance? What does turn taking look like across the creative arts? What happens when we improvise? If you are interested in answering these and other related questions, do register for this workshop by emailing us at
The workshop will begin with an exercise that will offer a frame of reference for the questions above, while also setting the scene for discussion on questions such as: How does coupling in different sense modalities affect alignment? What do we understand about alignment in dyads and how could this understanding be applied to alignment in groups? What are the conditions under which alignment is helped or hindered? The workshop has four experts on coordination and creativity who will kick-off the discussion from there. The workshop’s goal is to connect people across disciplinary boundaries, to develop new ideas and to explore novel ways of collaborating. With these goals in mind, the workshop brings together academic researchers and practitioners from the arts.
Quantifying group interactions
In this half day workshop, researchers from various computational backgrounds will consider the current state of the art and the methods currently available to quantify group coordination. Are these sufficient to capture dynamic changes in group interactions across time? What specific features in the individual signals should be tracked for similarity across agents? Should measures allow for variable weighting across agents as a function of leader-follower roles within the groups? How can we align different measures (behavioural, neural, physiological) to more fully capture group dynamics? Do you have new and better ways of capturing alignment in groups, teams or networks or are you interested in determining what these quantitative measures mean, then do register for this workshop by emailing us at