To register, simply send us an e-mail to socialbridges@unibw.de with the following information: Your full name, research institution, fields of interest and whether you would like to participate in the poster competition.
To register, simply send us an e-mail to socialbridges@unibw.de with the following information: Your full name, research institution, fields of interest and whether you would like to participate in the poster competition.
With non-essential travel limited both due to the associated carbon cost and the risk of Coronavirus transmission, we stand at an impasse. Conferences may seem like a thing of the past. This challenge offers us a unique opportunity to rethink how we as a community wish to gather and discuss our common interests. With BRIDGEs (Building Research InterDisciplinary Groups through E-conferences), we propose a solution that makes use of the available technology, so that we can meet as a community but without the restrictions of disciplinary or geographical boundaries. In doing so, we hope to: • Promote interdisciplinary exchange (free & unrestricted registration to audit) • Facilitate new collaborations (themed workshops) • Train young researchers (elevator pitch style poster competitions with prizes & feedback) • Ensure quick turnaround of ideas and results (short interval between call & conference)
BRIDGES is committed to facilitating the exchange between established and early career researchers. Additionally, to counter a propensity to propagate and at lightning speed the news we want to hear, we believe in clear, precise and accessible scientific communication to ensure that the results of our community’s output are communicated so as best to serve our public funders. To that end, a highlight of our e-conferences will be a video competition, sponsored by Gorilla Experiment Builder.
Hosting of the upcoming conference manuscripts is supported by Frontiers in Psychology